Resolutions of Iftaa' Board

Resolutions of Iftaa' Board

Date Added : 02-11-2015

Resolution No.(66): "Ruling on Benefiting from the World Bank`s Grant Presented to the Ministry of Social Affairs“

Date: 16/5/1424AH, corresponding to 16/7/2003AD


The Board received the following question:

What is the ruling of Sharia as regards benefiting from the grant presented to the Ministry of Social affairs by the World Bank?

Answer: All success is due to Allah, The Lord of The Worlds.

After careful study and deliberation, the Board deems that it is permissible to benefit from the World Bank`s grant within the outline proposed by “Questscope“, provided that the loans given to the beneficiaries have zero-interest.

Moreover, it is permissible that a Zakat committee from Amman area, or else takes charge of possessing and running credit funds in accordance with the rules of Islamic Sharia. And Allah Knows Best.

Iftaa` Board
Chairman of the Iftaa` Board, Chief Justice, Izz Al-Deen Al-Tamimi
               Dr. Mohammad Abu Yahia     

   Dr. Ahmad Hilayil      

                Sheikh Mahmoud Shwayyaat

    Dr. Yousef Gheezaan

Dr. Wasif Al-Bakhri

  Sheikh Saeid Hijjawi

     Sheikh Naeim Mujahid

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Summarized Fatawaa

If the Prophet (PBUH) was an Arab citizen in 2009, born in an Arab country ruled by an Arab ruler, saw what was happening to Gaza, what would he (PBUH) have done?

All perfect praise be to Allah, The Lord of The Worlds. May His peace and blessings be upon our Prophet Muhammad and upon all of his family and companions.
Had the Prophet (PBUH) been amongst us, Muslims would have supported him, and then he would do whatever pleases the heart of every Muslim. And Allah The Almighty Knows Best.

How long is the` Iddah(waiting period) of a divorced woman?

If a woman is pregnant at the time of divorce, then her 'Iddah (waiting period) expires when she gives birth to the baby. If she is in a state of menstruation, then her `Iddah expires when she finishes three menses. However, if she doesn`t have menses, then her `Iddah expires after three months.

What is the Islamic ruling on adoption, and what is the legal window through which a person can be kind to an orphan girl, attend to her needs and raise her as his own?

Kindness to an orphan entails a great reward from Allah, but adoption is prohibited and invalid. Therefore, it is permissible for the aforementioned person(for example) to make his brother`s wife breastfeed that girl so that he becomes her uncle by suckling provided that he informs her that she isn`t his biological daughter.

Should a minor fulfill his vow?

The vow of a minor is countless because he isn`t required to meet the Sharia rulings at such an age, and it is desirable for him to fulfill that vow once he reaches puberty.