Islamic Ruling on Selling the Items Present in the Mosque
If a mosque has several water coolers that are not being used and are surplus to its needs, is it permissible to sell them and purchase something else for the mosque?
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Scholars Are the Heirs of the Prophets, and It Is Obligatory to Respect Them
What is meant by "scholars of the ruler," and is this term used in a derogatory sense?
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It is Forbidden to Mock the Fatwas of Sharia
What is the ruling on mocking the Fatwas of Sharia?
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It is Prohibited to Sell Fruits for Several Years
Is it permissible to sell the olive harvest for the next five years with a predetermined price?
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It is Mandatory to Adhere to Medical Classification Guidelines without Deception
During work, I sustained an injury and was classified as medically grade four. Then, I went to another doctor and was classified, through favoritism, as medically grade five. Am I sinful for this, and am I required to give charity equivalent to the financial difference of grade five?
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Islamic Ruling on what is Known as the "Inheritance Gift System"
What is the Islamic ruling on dealing with an association through the following method: Each person who joins the association pays (20) dinars as a donation and must invite two people to join. These two individuals must also pay the same amount. When the number of participants reaches (8), the person at the top receives the total amount paid by the members. If they wish to move to the second stage, they must pay half of what they received in the first stage, and this process repeats over five stages. This system applies to all participants.
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Ruling of Islamic Law on the Zakat on the Wealth of a Minor and an Insane Person
Is Zakat obligatory on the wealth of my mentally and physically ill sister who cannot manage her own affairs? This is knowing that her wealth has reached the minimum threshold (Nisab) required for Zakat, but her expenses for treatment and other necessities reduce this amount each month without falling below the Nisab.
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The Ruling of Islamic Law on Accessories Known as "Van Cleef
Is it permissible to manufacture and sell accessories that feature the clover-shaped design known as "Van Cleef"? Moreover, what is the ruling of Islamic Law on making accessories in the shape of an Oud (traditional musical instrument)?
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Collecting Surplus Food and Donating it to the Needy is a Charitable and Virtuous Act
Our association is launching a charitable initiative to collect surplus food from restaurants, hotels, and other establishments and distribute it to families in need, ensuring all health standards are met. Does this initiative qualify as an act of charity?
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Islamic Ruling on Delaying the Distribution of the Inheritance
My father passed away, leaving behind real estate and residential apartments. What is the ruling on delaying the distribution of the inheritance, especially since some of the siblings need their share? Moreover, does my mother have the right to take the total rent of the apartments, even though she is saving these amounts and paying the Zakat due on them?
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Islamic Ruling on a Group Participating in a Training Course under the Name of one Person
A specialized training course consists of recorded videos at a specific price. After paying the subscription fee for the course, a link to the private video channel is sent to the subscriber. What is the ruling on multiple people subscribing by paying for just one subscription, with all of them watching the videos?
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The Islamic Ruling Concerning a Partner Withdrawing a Part of the Company's Money
I am a partner in a company with a certain percentage. I withdrew a sum of money from the company with the knowledge of the partners through the presented budgets. After years, the partners want to rearrange the shares in a way that corresponds to my financial withdrawals from the company to compensate for the difference in withdrawals. Do the partners have the right to change the shares, or is it recorded as a debt on me until I repay it?
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Islamic Ruling on Performing the Funeral Prayer Multiple Times
What is the Islamic ruling on having multiple Imams lead the funeral prayer for a deceased person as a form of honoring them and seeking blessings from the imams who lead the prayer?
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The Ruling of Islamic Law on Increasing the Sale Price of a Product to a Lender or Financier
I have an apartment that I want to sell. The bank customer has requested that I increase the price of the apartment so that I can cover the transfer fees and necessary maintenance costs for the property. What is the Islamic ruling on this?
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