Resolutions of Iftaa' Board

Resolutions of Iftaa' Board

Date Added : 18-03-2021

Resolution No. (30): "Ruling on Dealing with Orphans Funds in Long-Term Transactions"
Date: 7/11/1413 AH, corresponding to 9/02/1993 AD


What is the ruling on the criteria adopted by Orphans' Fund Development Foundation?

The Board is of the view that the criteria adopted by the aforementioned foundation is the best for the time being; as well as the Board of Iftaa' urges it to exert more effort as regards continuous development in their methods in order to reach the proper justice while distributing profits and to look for all the means to obtain the best criteria in this regard. And Allah Knows Best.



Chairman of the Iftaa` Board, Chief Justice Dr.Nooh Al-Qodaat

Deputized Grand Mufti of Jordan, Sheikh Saeid Hijjawi
Dr. Abdassalam Al-Abbadi
Dr. Ibrahim Khash-shan
Dr. Mahmood al-Sartawi
Dr. Ahmad Hilayel
Dr. Rateb Ad-Daher
Mahmood Shewayat

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Summarized Fatawaa

What is the expiation for perjury?

Perjury is forbidden and one of the major sins that require turning to Allah in repentance, seeking His forgiveness, giving back rights to whom they belong, or seeking their forgiveness, and expiating for that oath.

Is it permissible for the person who wants to travel from the United Arab Emirates to Jordan during the day in Ramadan to break his fast before leaving his country; knowing that he had embarked on journey half an hour after dawn?

Praise be to Allah the Lord of the Worlds.

The person who made the intention to embark on journey after dawn must observe fast for that day, because it became an obligation on him before engaging on journey. However, if he experienced unbearable hardship while on travel, then he is permitted to break his fast, but he must make up for the missed day. And Allah The Almighty Knows Best.

What does the name ”Mai`es” mean?

“Mai`es” and “Mais`san”: strutting. “Mai`es” : a tree` of high-quality wood, and giving this name to your daughter is permissible.

What is the ruling on a person who broke the fast of one day in Ramadhaan because of hardship ?

He/she should make up for that day.