Article (1):

This regulation shall be cited as "Al-Iftaa` Personnel Regulation System/2008 "and shall come into effect after the date of its publication in the official Gazette.


Article (2):

The following words and expressions, wherever used in this Regulation, shall have the meanings hereunder assigned to them, unless the context otherwise provides:


-The Grand Mufti: Grand Mufti of the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan.

-The Department: General Iftaa` Department.

-The Secretary General: Secretary General of Iftaa` Department

-The Mufti: Any Mufti at the Department or its branches in governorates.

-The Mentor: Family mentor at the Dept. or governorate.

-The Researcher: Any researcher at the Dept. or governorate.



Article (3):

Salaries and raises of Iftaa` employees shall be as follows:

A-The Grand Mufti shall receive the salary and allocations of a Minister, in addition to (1500JDs) per month as an allowance for representing Al-Iftaa`.

B-The Secretary General shall receive the salary given to occupants of second class positions of the high category and the raises stipulated in the effective Civil Service Regulation, and an additional raise of (115%) from the basic salary.

C-A Mufti shall receive the following salary, annual increase and additional raise with a percentage from the basic salary:

Degree   Basic Salary (JD)   Annual Increase (JD)   Additional Raise

Special          715-815                   10                                         95%

First               655-705                   10         75%

Second          595-645                   10          75%

Third              535-585                   10                             75%

Fourth           475-525                   10           75%

Fifth               415-465                   10           75%

Sixth               355-405                   10           75%


D-Occupants of the  positions mentioned in this article(3) shall receive (40 JDs), per month, as an individual allowance, in addition to the family allowance stipulated in the effective Civil Service Regulation.



Article (4):

The Mufti shall be hired in accordance with the following requirements:


A-One who holds a BA in Sharia Sciences, at least (10) years have passed over his receiving this degree and have passed the tests conducted by the Iftaa` Council shall be given the salary of the first year based on the sixth degree. This is provided that years of experience, other than the ten years, are calculated. In addition, he shall be granted one annual increase for the first five years.

B-Master degree holders shall be granted two annual increases; whereas, PhD. holders shall be granted three annual increases.

C-By decision of the Iftaa` Council, the situations of the Muftis appointed before the provisions of this regulation were put into effect shall be adjusted, and in accordance with them.


Article (5):

A-An employee occupying the position of mentor and researcher shall be given an additional raise with a percentage of(100%) from the basic salary which he collects in accordance with the provisions of the effective Civil Service Regulation.

B-The rest of the Department`s employees shall be given an additional raise with a percentage of (50%) from the basic salary that each receivesin accordance with the provisions of the effective Civil ServiceRegulation.

C-It is permissible, by decision of the Iftaa` Council, to give bonuses to researchers against conducting research, entrusted to them, based on instructions issued by the Grand Mufti to that end.


Article (6):

In cases not stipulated for in this regulation, the effective Civil Service Regulation shall apply to the Department`s employees. To this end, the Iftaa` Council shall exercise the powers of the cabinet, and the Grand Mufti shall exercise the powers of the minister stipulated in this regulation.


Article (7):

Any text stipulated in another regulation that contradicts the provisions of this regulation shall not be effective.


Article (8): The Grand Mufti shall issue the necessary instructions for the execution of the provisions of this regulation.




Summarized Fatawaa

Sometimes I receive a message containing a picture of someone desecrating the Noble Quran. The sender asks recipients to send that message to their contacts as an act of defending the Quran. What should I do when receiving such messages?

Praise be to Allah, the Lord of the Worlds.

You don`t have to circulate that message, because this isn`t the proper way to defend the Quran. And Allah The Almighty Knows Best.

Is a menstruating woman obliged to pray during menses, and should she make up missed prayers?

All perfect praise be to Allah, The Lord of The Worlds                                                                                                                                                                        A menstruating woman is prohibited from prayer during her menses, and she isn`t obliged to make up missed prayers. And Allah Knows Best.

Is it permissible for a woman to leave her house wearing brightly colored clothing?

Brightly colored clothing is of woman's adornments, however; and this shouldn't be revealed save to her husband and Mahrams. And Allah Knows Best.

What is the best remedy for a person who experiences Waswasah (whispers of the devil) during Salah (prayer)?

Such a person should ignore the devil`s whispers, contemplate the Quranic chapters and verses that he/she recites, look directly at the place of Sujood (prostration), make supplication to Allah, and take refuge in Him from the cursed devil.