All Fatawaas

Islamic Ruling on Using Urea in Cosmetic and Medical Products

What is the ruling of Islamic Law on adding urea to moisturizing creams?
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Ruling of Islamic Law on Using the Olympic Flame

What is the ruling of Islamic Law on using the Olympic flame?
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The Ruling on Qaza` and its Description

What is the Islamic ruling on Qaza', noting that I am a barber and most customers request it?

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Islamic Ruling on Drug Trafficking and Money Earned from it

What is the ruling of Sharia on drug trafficking, the money earned from it, and the promoting of this dangerous plague to individuals and society?

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Islamic Ruling on Writing Arabic Letters on the Ground

What is the ruling of Islam on some schools writing Arabic letters on the ground as a means of teaching them to students?

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Islamic Ruling on Eating Poultry Fed with Protein Powders of Animal Origin

What is the ruling of Islamic Law on consuming poultry that has been raised throughout its life and until the day of slaughter on feed containing protein powders of animal origin? It is worth mentioning that these powders are produced by processing slaughterhouse waste from ruminant animals and equine animals not slaughtered according to Islamic Law, with scientific reports confirming that these protein powders contain traces indicating the presence of pork.

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Using Blood in Manufacturing Medical Products

What is the ruling of Islamic Law/Sharia on using cow`s blood in manufacturing medical products?
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Regulations for the Work of a Dentist

What are the regulations for the work of a dentist, especially if the dentist is a male? 

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Islamic Ruling on Ovarian Transplantation from a Donor

My daughter is facing ovarian problems, and medically, it's impossible for her to conceive. She wants to receive an ovarian transplant from a donor, even if it's after the donor's death. Is this permissible for her?

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Islamic Ruling on Eating Hamster Meat

What is the ruling of Sharia on eating hamster meat? Is it considered among the animals whose meat, in terms of permissibility or prohibition of consumption, is not specified in Sharia texts and so it is included under the general principle that things are initially permissible (Al-Asl fi al-Ashya' al-Ibahah)?

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Ruling of Islamic Law on Selling and Charging Electronic Games

What is the ruling on on selling and charging electronic games ?

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Guidelines for Using Bitmoji Through Social Media

Is using Bitmoji through social media prohibited?

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Islamic Ruling on Watching Soap Operas during Ramadan

What is the ruling of Sharia on watching soap operas during Ramadan? Does it break one`s fast and decrease its reward?

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Islamic Ruling on Selling Rotten or Expired Foods

What is the ruling of Islamic Sharia on selling rotten or expired foods to citizens?

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Combat Sports Regulations

What is the ruling of Sharia on sports involving head strikes?

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