Resolutions of Iftaa' Board

Resolutions of Iftaa' Board

Date Added : 04-12-2017

Resolution No.(245)(14/2017) by the Board of Iftaa`, Research and Islamic Studies:

"Treatment of Gender Identity Disorder"

Date: 2/Rabi` Al Thani/1439, corresponding to 21/11/2017.


During its 13th session held on the above date, the Board reviewed the letter sent from the Mufti of the Jordan Armed Forces-Arab Army concerning a question passed to him by the Royal Medical Services about two female patients who have what is known as "Gender Identity Disorder." Although they have normal female organs and hormones, their thinking and sexual orientation are purely masculine. Therefore, they are demanding gender transformation through removing their breasts and uteri in addition to the rest of the genital apparatus, and getting a male genital apparatus later on. Could you clarify the ruling of Sharia on such case since it is very rare?

After deliberating, the Board arrived at the following decision:

What determines femininity and masculinity is the body itself and its biological features. The most important of the these is the genital apparatus which differentiates males from females. Therefore,  if someone suffered from gender identity disorder, then it should be treated in a way that brings things back to normal, but in line with the basic masculine or feminine identity  of the genital apparatus of that person, and not transforming his/her gender through removal of genitals by surgery. In fact, it isn`t permissible to rely on psychological disorder as the parameter determining someone`s gender and sexual orientation. Muslim scholars have arrived at this through the following verse (What means): "(The Pagans), leaving Him, call but upon female deities: They call but upon satan the persistent rebel! God did curse him, but he said: "I will take of Thy servants a portion Marked off; "I will mislead them, and I will create in them false desires; I will order them to slit the ears of cattle, and to deface the (fair) nature created by God." Whoever, forsaking God, takes satan for a friend, hath of a surety suffered a loss that is manifest. Satan makes them promises, and creates in them false desires; but satan’s promises are nothing but deception. They (his dupes) will have their dwelling in Hell, and from it they will find no way of escape. {An-Nisa`,117-121}.

In conclusion, transforming someone`s genital apparatus and removing his/her genitals by surgery to treat what is called "Gender Identity Disorder" isn`t permissible in Sharia. And Allah Knows Best.


Chairman of Iftaa` Board,

Grand Mufti of Jordan,

Dr. Mohammad Al-Khalayleh

Vice Chairman, Sheikh Abdulkareem Al-Khasawneh

Prof. Abdullah Al-Fawaz, Member

Dr. Ahmad Al-Hasanat, Member

Dr. Mohammad Khair Al-Esa, Member

Dr. Majid Darawsheh, Member

Sheikh Sa`eid Al-Hijjawi, Member

Judge Khalid Woraikat, Member

Dr. Mohammad Al-Zo`bi, Member


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Summarized Fatawaa

What is the expiation for being forced to give a false testimony in order to achieve reform?

Achieving reform is done by following the way of Allah through giving back rights to whom they belong. Therefore, repenting to Allah from false testimony is only achieved by abrogating it, and the person in question should expiate for that oath if he had taken it, so that Allah may forgive him.

Is it permissible for a man to propose to a woman during her `Iddah(waiting period)?

It is impermissible to propose to a woman in her `Iddah, but there is no harm in making an implication to such an end in case she was observing it due to the death of her husband.

Does the deceased hear the supplications or recitations of those visiting his/her grave? And does making constant supplications for the deceased who didn`t adhere to performing the prescribed prayers ameliorate his/her affliction?

Praise be to Allah the Lord of the Worlds.

In principle, the dead hear the living since it has been rigorously authenticated that the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) ordered the bodies of the idolaters slain in the Battle of Badr to be buried. He then approached them and called them one by one and said, “Have you found what your Lord promised to be true for we have found what our Lord promised us to be true.” ‘Umar asked him, “O messenger of God! Why do you speak to lifeless bodies?” The Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) replied, “By the One Who has sent me with the truth! You do not hear my words better than they do except that they cannot respond.”{Related by Bukhari & Muslim}.

However, not all the deceased are in the same situation because Allah the Almighty says, "Before them is a Partition till the Day they are raised up."{Al-Mu`minun, 100}. Moreover, supplication reaches the deceased. And Allah knows best.


Is it permissible for me to eat from the animal that I slaughtered for Allah to protect my family?

It is permissible to eat from the non-vowed animal sacrifice, and the person is rewarded based on the amount of meat that he had given to the poor. However, there is no evidence in Islamic Sharia indicating that slaughtering an animal protects one`s family, but it is a way for thanking Allah, The Almighty, for his grace.