Resolutions of Iftaa' Board

Resolutions of Iftaa' Board

Date Added : 05-11-2017

Resolution No.(241)(9/2017) by the Board of Iftaa` Research and Islamic Studies:

 "Providing Individuals Born out of Wedlock with Information about their Mothers"

Date: (17/Dhul Qedah/1438);(10/8/2017)


All perfect praise be to Allah, The Lord of The Worlds, and may His peace and blessings be upon our Prophet Mohammad and upon all his family and companions.

On its ninth session held on the above date, the Board reviewed the letter of His Eminence the Supreme Judge concerning the question sent from the Minister of Social Development  Eng. Wajeeh Azaizeh, and reads as follows:

I would like to bring to Your Grace`s attention the fact that the Ministry supports and protects children born out of wedlock as well as orphans. The former are received from early age and given names in cooperation with the Department of Civil Status and Passports as stipulated by the law.

At the age of eighteen, some of them send petitions to the Ministry requesting information that leads to their parents. The danger lies in the category where the mother is known since she could have settled down and made a family of her own. We can add that if any of them managed to reach their mother, she is most likely to experience trouble on the social level. Therefore, could You clarify the ruling of Sharia on the permissibility of giving such information to the above individuals?

Answer: After deliberating, the Board arrived at the following conclusion:

Individuals born out of wedlock are members of society and enjoy all the rights determined by Sharia. This emanates from the fact that Allah has honored the sons of Adam where He, The Almighty, Said (What means): "We have honoured the sons of Adam; provided them with transport on land and sea; given them for sustenance things good and pure; and conferred on them special favours, above a great part of our creation." {Al-Isra`/70}.

One of these rights is to know the people to whom a person traces to, whether from the mother`s or the father`s side; especially since this constitutes the basis upon which many Sharia rulings rest, such as inheritance and women prohibited in marriage, as well as many social, psychological and daily life interests.

The Board is of the view that the right call in this regard is to approve of the above individuals` petitions since that is an essential right of theirs. However, each case should be examined in isolation and by a specialized committee, but on basis of giving precedence to that right. Nevertheless, if harm is likely to occur, in some cases, then the petition should be delayed and further solutions should be sought. As regards the social harms that usually result from this matter, the mother should try her best to absorb and face them in order to reduce the suffering of her child. And Allah Knows Best. 


Chairman of Iftaa` Board,

 Grand Mufti of Jordan,

 Dr. Mohammad Al-Khalayleh

Vice Chairman, Sheikh Abdulkareem Al-Khasawneh

Dr. Ahmad Al-Hasanat, Member

Dr. Mohammad Khair Al-Esa, Member

Dr. Majed Darawsheh, Member

Sheikh Sa`eid Al-Hijjawi, Member

Judge Khalid Woraikat, Member

Dr. Mohammad Al-Zo`bi, Member


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Summarized Fatawaa

Should a minor fulfill his vow?

The vow of a minor is countless because he isn`t required to meet the Sharia rulings at such an age, and it is desirable for him to fulfill that vow once he reaches puberty.

What should a person who was favored from Allah with a newborn, but couldn`t afford an Aqeeqah, do?

Aqeeqah(the sheep slaughtered on the seventh day from the child`s birth) is a desirable Sunnah for the financially able since Allah, The Exalted, charges not a soul beyond its capacity. Therefore, if the father couldn`t afford the Aqeeqah before the end of his wife`s confinement, then it isn`t due on him, and if he was able to afford it later on, then it is permissible, but if he didn`t until the child reached puberty, the latter can offer the Aqeeqah himself.

What is the ruling of Sharia on unregistered marriage in Jordan?

All perfect praise be to Allah the Lord of the Worlds. May His peace and blessings be upon our Prophet Mohammad and upon all his family and companions.
Aishah narrated that the Messenger of Allah said: "Whichever woman married without the permission of her Wali her marriage is invalid, her marriage is invalid, her marriage is invalid. If he entered into her, then the Mahr is for her in lieu of what he enjoyed from her private part. If they disagree, then the Sultan is the Wali for one who has no Wali." [Related by Tirmithi, Hadith No.1102]. The Prophet (Peace and blessings be upon him) also said: "There is no marriage without a guardian and two honorable witnesses." Related in [Al-Mo`jam Al-Basit for At-Tabarani, pp.6366]. Registration of the marriage contract at Islamic court is necessary for the preservation of rights and failing to do so is punishable by Jordanian Law. And Allah The Almighty Knows Best

Is it permissible to divide the Aqeeqah amongst one`s brothers and family?

Giving a portion of the Aqeeqah, even a small one, to the poor and needy is obligatory, and if one`s brothers and family are among the needy then, they are more entitled to it, and this way it is a charity and an observation of kinship ties. However, if they aren`t needy then, it is permissible to give them from the Aqeeqah after giving the poor and needy their share.