Organizational Structure

Organizational Structure of General Iftaa' Department/2013


Grand MuftiThe Board of Iftaa', Research and Islamic Studies


Internal Oversight Unit Religious Oversight and Inspection Unit


Secretary General


Public Relations and International Cooperation


Finance and Administrative DepartmentDepartment of Research and Islamic StudiesCentral Iftaa' Department                                   Electronic Iftaa' Department


Finance Section    Research Section  Direct Iftaa' Section Electronic and Editing Section  Human Resources Section Heritage and Scripts Section        Short Fatwas Section

Electronic Fatawas Section


Training and Development SectionTranslation Section

IT Section


Supportive Administrative Services Section


Amman Iftaa' Office:  

1. Divorce Fatwas Section

2. Personal Interviews Section

3. Follow-up Section

Zarqa Iftaa' Office:

1. Divorce Fatwas and Personal Interviews Sections

2. Follow-up Section 

Irbid Iftaa' Office: 

1. Divorce Fatwas and Personal Interviews Sections

2. Follow-up Section 


Ajloan Iftaa' Office

Al-Tafila Iftaa' Office

Aqapa Iftaa' Office 

Balqa Iftaa' Office

KarakIfaa' Office

Madaba Iftaa' Office

Mafraq Iftaa' Office 

Jarash Iftaa' Office 

Ma'an Iftaa' Office

DairAlaa' Iftaa' Office

Ramtha Iftaa' Office

Koraa' Iftaa' Office

Summarized Fatawaa

Is Zakah(obligatory charity) due on the money saved for marriage?

Zakah is due on the money saved for marriage if it reached the Nissab(minimum amount liable for Zakah), and a whole lunar year had lapsed over possessing it.

What is the ruling on making up for missed fasting after the second half of Sha`ban (the month before Ramadhaan)?

One is obliged to make up for missed fasting before the start of next Ramadhaan, and regardless of offering it during the first, or the second half of Shab`an. This is because the prohibition mentioned in the Hadith is for offering absolute voluntary fasting in the second half of Sha`ban. And Allah Knows Best.

Is it permissible to offer the Eid sacrifice in a non-Muslim country?

Eid sacrifice is permissible anywhere, and Islamic Sharia hasn`t determined that it should be in an Islamic country, but poor Muslims should be given a share in order for it to be valid since it is an act of worship. A portion of that Eid sacrifice should be given at least to one poor Muslim, and if that wasn`t possible then the one offering it should consume it along with his family.

Is it permissible for my brother, whom I had suckled, to conclude a marriage contract between his daughter and my son?

Such marriage is impermissible since one`s nephew in this situation is considered an uncle to one`s daughter; consequently, he is the brother of her father by suckling. In such cases, the people in question should go to court to prove the suckling.