
Introductions to Islamic Theology ('Ilm al-Kalam)
Dr. Hassan Abu_Arqoub
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The Civilization of Islam and its Contributions to Human Life
Dr Noah Ali Salman
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Allah is our Protector and they have no Protector
Dr. Mohammad Al-Zou`bi
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Inheritors of the Prophets
Dr Noah Ali Salman
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The Role of Logic in the Proofs of the Existence of Allah The Almighty
Dr.Mosa Al-Zaa'tra
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The Phenomenon of Divorce (Talaq)
Ali Al-Fakhir
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On the Anniversary of Prophet Mohammad`s Birthday
Dr. Ali Al-Qudah
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Zakat al-Fitr: Jurisprudential Rulings and Educational Secrets
Dr. Hassan Abu_Arqoub
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On the Occasion of Launching the Iftaa` Department`s Website
Dr Noah Ali Salman
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The Glad-Tidings for those Fasting to Please Allah, the Lord of the Worlds
Dr. Mufti Lo`ai Somay`at
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Summarized Fatawaa

What is the expiation for breaking fast due to being on a journey, or being sick, or being in a state of menstruation?

No expiation is due on the aforesaid categories, but they are obliged to make up for the missed fast. However, if any of them failed to do so while being able to, and the next Ramadhaan has come, then making up for those days is incumbent on him/her , and paying the ransom as well.

I`m a Muslim woman and have fallen in love with a Christian man. Supposing that he embraced Islam. Is it permissible that he proposes to me?

Praise be to Allah the Lord of the Worlds. May His peace and blessings be upon our Prophet Mohammad and upon all his family and companions.
The relationship between you two is forbidden; however, if he wants to embrace Islam then he should pay a visit to a Sharia court. Once he becomes a Muslim, we will address the matter of proposing to you. And Allah the Almighty knows best.

Is it permissible for a woman to apply Kuhul(Halal eyeliner) and go out wearing it?

Kuhul is part of a woman`s adornment, and it is forbidden for her to show that to anyone other than a husband , or a Mahram(Unmarriageable kin).

Who is required to fast?

Any adult, sane, and hardship enduring Muslim person is required to fast unless there were prohibiting conditions such as menstruation and confinement.