الموقع الرئيسي


A Royal Decree Appoints Hasanat as Grand Mufti
Author : The General Iftaa` Department
Date Added : 06-11-2023

A Royal Decree Appoints Hasanat as Grand Mufti


The General Iftaa Department is pleased to extend its warmest congratulations and best wishes to Dr. Ahmad Ibrahim Al-Hasanat on the issuance of the royal decree appointing him as the Grand Mufti of the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan. We pray to Almighty Allah to grant him success and guidance in his new role.

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Summarized Fatawaa

How should I be kind to my atheist father?

Allah, The Exalted, has decreed that we be kind to our parents, even if they are polytheists, by honoring and obeying them in all that isn`t sinful, so that they might love Islam and embrace it as a result.

It is impermissible to pay the Zakah for settling the debt of the deceased since Zakah is paid to eligible recipients who are alive. As for the debts of the deceased, they are to be settled from the estate before dividing it amongst the heirs, but if the deceased didn`t leave an estate, then it is desirable for his/her heirs to settle those debts if they can afford them.

Is a wife considered sinful if she asked for divorce because her husband married another woman?

A second marriage is lawful, and so it is impermissible for you to ask for divorce because of that. If you are certain that you won`t be able to deliver Allah`s rights and those of your husband`s , then it is permissible for you to ask for Khul`a(Divorce on the demand of the wife). However, you should exercise patience since after difficulties, there is easiness by the will of Allah.

Is it permissible for one to give the Zakah(obligatory charity) to his indebted brother?

It is permissible for one to give the Zakah to his indebted , or poor brother.