Is it permissible for a woman to say that she loves her husband more than her father?
It is impermissible for her to say so since this would hurt her father deep down. Allah, The Almighty, Says in this regard (What means): "And that ye be kind to parents." [Al-Isra/23]. Saying such a thing to her father isn`t an act of kindness since she should keep it to herself even if she felt that way.
I went to the health center today to take an intramuscular injection of Neurorubin B12. The nurse told me that this type of injection breaks the fast because it nourishes the body. Is this true? I have heard that intramuscular injections do not break the fast, but I was unsure about this type, so I decided not to take the injection.
Therapeutic injections administered subcutaneously or intramuscularly do not invalidate the fast because they do not enter the digestive tract through an open passage. However, intravenous injections containing nutritional fluids do break the fast, as they are akin to food and drink in effect. The B12 injection is a therapeutic injection and does not break the fast. And Allah Knows Best.
I work in a government institution that gives an additional three dinars per hour I work. The manager combines students into a single session because attendance is low, and the material taught to all groups is the same. I am paid for two hours, although I actually taught only one session, noting that my transportation costs one and a half dinars. What is the ruling?
The only amount you are permitted to take/have is for one hour work. And Allah Knows Best.
Is the father a Mahram (Non-marriageable) to his son`s mother-in-law?
The father is a non-Mahram (Marriageable) to his son`s mother-in-law, so it is impermissible for them to look at each other, or to have a seclusion (Khalwah).