
Announcement of the Passing of the Esteemed Sheikh Kamel Khatatbeh
Author : The General Iftaa` Department
Date Added : 28-08-2023

Announcement of the Passing of the Esteemed Sheikh Kamel Khatatbeh



The General Iftaa Department, represented by His Eminence the Grand Mufti Sheikh Abdulkarim Al-Khasawneh, and His Excellency the Secretary-General Dr. Mohammad Al-Khalaileh, along with the esteemed Muftis, researchers, and administrators, mourn the passing of the honorable Sheikh Kamel Khatatbeh, the Mufti of Ajloun Governorate. They extend their deepest condolences to the Khatatbeh clan in general and to the family of the deceased in particular. They pray to Allah Almighty to replace the deceased with a better abode than his, a better family than his, better neighbors than his, and to grant him a place in His spacious gardens.




Indeed, to Allah we belong and to Him we shall return.


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Warning: this window is not dedicated to receive religious questions, but to comment on topics published for the benefit of the site administrators—and not for publication. We are pleased to receive religious questions in the section "Send Your Question". So we apologize to readers for not answering any questions through this window of "Comments" for the sake of work organization. Thank you.

Summarized Fatawaa

Is it permissible for a woman to wear colored lenses?

Wearing colored lenses for treatment is permissible, and wearing them as an adornment is also permissible, provided that she isn`t seen while having them on by non-Mahrams(Marriageable men).

What is the ruling on taking part in an online contest to win a prize of 100,000 dollars in return for answering thirty questions in different fields of knowledge and science? This is knowing that there is no drawing of lots; only one or two cards are purchased to commence the contest.

Praise be to Allah the Lord of the Worlds. May His peace and blessings be upon our Prophet Mohammad and upon all his family and companions.
This is a form of gambling, which is impermissible to participate in, because the people in charge of this online contest increase the value of the calls to compensate for the value of the prizes. And Allah The Almighty Knows Best.

What is the ruling on using bank cards such as Visa and MasterCard ?

It is permissible to use such cards in accordance with the following conditions : 1-The issuing body does not stipulate collecting interest upon late payments. 2-The merchant does not increase the price of the goods due to an increase in the commission collected from him by the card issuer.3-The purchased item(s) should not be gold , silver or currency in case the card is not covered

An engineer has to work in a circuit system of a non-Islamic bank. What is the ruling on the income she receives from doing this job?

All perfect praise be to Allah the Lord of the Worlds. May His peace and blessings be upon our Prophet Mohammad and upon all his family and companions.
Necessity lies in fearing for one`s life, honor or mind, so the wage received for doing a forbidden job is equally forbidden. Kindly contact the Iftaa` Department to further clarify the nature of your work. And Allah the Almighty knows best.