Is there zakat on social security savings (retirement benefits)?
If the retirement benefits are received, zakat is due on them for one year. Before receiving them, they are not in the person’s possession to be liable for zakat. And Allah Knows Best.
Should a pregnant woman who broke fast because of pregnancy make it up, and is a ransom due on her?
The pregnant and the suckling, if they fear for their health, may break their fast and make up for it, and no ransom is due on them. However, if they broke fast in fear for the fetus and the baby, then they are obliged to make up for it, and pay the ransom which is feeding a needy person for each of the missed fasting days. And Allah Knows Best.
How many prostrations of Quranic recital are there, and is it permissible not to offer them while reciting?
There is one prostration for the Quranic recital, and it is a Sunnah for which one is rewarded upon offering it. However, one who doesn`t isn`t punished. Therefore, those who fail to offer it aren`t considered sinful, rather they deprive themselves from the reward.
What is the ruling on giving Zakah (obligatory charity) to one`s relatives?
It is impermissible to pay Zakah to one`s origins (parents and grandparents) because providing for them is an obligation on their branches (sons and daughters) if they were poor, but it is permissible to give some of the Zakah money to relatives whose provision isn`t due on the giver of the Zakah.