All Fatawaas

The Ruling of Islamic Law on Removing a Gold Tooth or other Devices from a Deceased Person

What is the ruling of Islamic Law on removing a gold or silver tooth from a deceased person, and on devices implanted inside the deceased's body, such as a pacemaker?

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Islamic Ruling on Transferring a Deceased Person Buried in Land Owned by Someone Else

A deceased person has been buried in land owned by someone else, is it obligatory for the deceased's relatives to purchase that land if it is sold at a lower price?

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Burying and Washing the Dead in the Event of Natural Disasters

If an earthquake-God forbid-took place in a certain area, resulting in a large number of deaths, and there was a dire need for digging mass graves, what is the ruling of Sharia on such graves knowing that people of different faiths are buried together? In addition, what is the ruling on not burying the dead in this case?

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Ruling on Moving the Remains of the Deceased to Family`s Cemetery

What is the ruling of Sharia on moving the remains of the deceased from a private cemetery to family`s cemetery, because his grave is hard to reach by his children and other relatives?
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The Manner of Funeral Prayer

Would you please clarify the manner of funeral prayer?

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Ruling of Sharia on Autopsy

What is the ruling of Sharia on autopsy?

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The Manner of Burial according to Islamic Law

What is the appropriate manner of burial according to Islamic Law?

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Deceased's Shrouding Manner

What is the manner for shrouding the deceased?

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The Complete Ghusl Procedure (Washing and Shrouding)

How should the deceased be washed, shrouded, and buried?

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Ruling on Moving a Dead Person Buried in Someone`s Land

While on deathbed, my father requested that he is buried on a plot of land owned by his wife, so we did as he willed. After some time, we sold that land and the new owner constructed a residential building in it, so the grave drew closer to that building. Is it permissible that we move it to the Islamic Graveyard?

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Ruling on Destroying Graves Located in Fosqiahs

Is it permissible to destroy graves located in Fosqiahs(Underground Chambers), after full decay of bones, in order to make new ones -underground-in their place ?

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Adding Layers of Dirt over Old Graves to Build New ones

Is it permissible to add layers of dirt over old graves located in what is called " Fosqiahs"(underground chambers) after complete decomposition of corpses where the graves are completely covered with layers of dirt to build new ones over it?

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Priority in Arranging Corpses towards Qibla in Funeral Prayer

When there is more than one funeral, which corpse should face Qibla (Ka`ba) first?

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Ruling on Exhuming Grave Adjacent to Street

Is it permissible to move the corpse of my father, who died 49 years ago, because it is buried in a grave adjacent to the main street, and there is a chance that it goes inside the borders of that street in case it was widened by the municipality?

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Ruling on Constructing Concrete Pavements in a Graveyard

Is it permissible to construct concrete pavements in an endowed graveyard to avoid getting people`s feet muddy during the rainy season?

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