All Fatawaas

Guidelines for Talfiq and Deviating from the Madhab

What are the guidelines for deviating from one`s Madhab (School of Islamic jurisprudence) and combining opinions of different schools of thought (Talfiq), and is deviating from one`s Madhab, in some matters, considered abandoning it? 

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Aberrant Opinion in Islamic Jurisprudence and Ruling on Following it

You have stated in some fatwas on your website that it isn`t permissible to deliver fatwas based on aberrant opinions. Could you clarify what you mean by "Aberrant opinion"? And whether not following the four Madhabs (Schools of thought) is an aberrant opinion or not, because some Muslim countries follow the opinion of Ibn Taymyah who considers three divorces in one sitting as only one valid divorce? Is this fatwa aberrant?

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The Fatwa Approach Adopted at the General Iftaa' Department

The General Iftaa` Department is characterized by adherence to a particular Madhab (A school of Islamic jurisprudence), which is that of Imam Shafie, as far as delivering Fatwas is concerned. Moreover, it gave preference to this Madhab over other Madhabs in theory and practice. Based on this, what is the background and outcomes of this Madhab?

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Seeking Fatwa from Expert Scholars is Obligatory

What is the opinion of the General Iftaa` Department as regards religious and Fatwa programs broadcasted by some satellite channels which issue different Fatwas about the same topic, causing confusion to people? Are such channels permitted to issue Fatwas?

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Ruling on Learning Logic

Is it permissible to learn Logic, and to teach the principles of jurisprudence that are influenced by it ?

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Difference of Opinion in Fiqh Matters is a Mercy

Difference in Fatwa (Islamic scholarly opinion) amongst scholars has led to confusing average Muslims and drove some zealous men of the faith to propose uniting Muslims on one Madhab (School of thought). Is this applicable?

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The Word "and" in Arabic Implies Sharing the Same Judgment unless there is Evidence Indicating otherwise

What does the sentence: "Don`t eat vinegar, salt, and lemon" mean? Does it mean, "Don`t eat vinegar. Don`t eat salt. Don`t eat lemon" or "Don`t eat them mixed together"?

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Jurisprudential Disagreement is Praised

At present, different Fatwas are delivered, what do you make of that?

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A Muslim should seek the most Knowledgeable Scholar if the Ones at his Area had Different Opinions

Is everyone obligated to follow the fatwas of his country, and if we adopt the fatwas of scholars of other countries, is it considered a sin?

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Uniting Fatwas Bodies

Fatwas differ from a country to another; don't you think that it's time to form an Arab Iftaa Council to control that?

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Reasons for Difference of Fatwa among Scholars

Why is there difference of Fatwa among scholars?

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Multiplicity of Religious Authorities

There are numerous religious authorities in the Muslim world and this is confusing. Is there a way to unite them, even at the level of scholars, and what do you suggest for achieving this?

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The Spread of Fatwa Via the Internet

We have noticed the spread of invalid Fatwas via internet and websites of some Muslim scholars. What is the impact of such a phenomenon?

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Islamic Authority to be Turned to upon Difference in Fatwa

Nowadays, we notice that the issuance of Fatwas is in a chaotic situation, which Islamic authority should the ordinary Muslim seek Fatwa from?

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Binding Force of the Holy Sunnah

Some people confuse the Holy Sunnah with the customs and traditions that prevailed at the beginning of Islam. What is the dividing line between the two?

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