Resolutions of Iftaa' Board

Resolutions of Iftaa' Board

Date Added : 26-11-2015

Resolution No.(197)(6/2014) by the Board of Iftaa`, Research and Islamic Studies:

"Economic Security is an Objectives of Sharia that can be Achieved through Justice and Reform"

Date: 23/Rabi` Al-thani/1435 AH, corresponding to 23/2/2014.


All perfect praise is due to Allah, The Lord of The Worlds; and may His peace and blessings be upon our Prophet Mohammad and upon all his family and companions:

On the above given date, the Board reviewed the question sent by one of the MPs concerning the negative effects of tax evasion and theft of public funds on the security of the national economy. He requested clarifying the ruling of Sharia on tax evasion?

After researching and deliberating, the Board decided what follows:

The security of the national economy as well as the protection of public funds are a trust that should be restored by every citizen, as Enjoined by Almighty Allah in the following verse whereas, He Says (what means): "Verily, God commands you to restore trusts. And when you judge between people, that you judge with justice. Excellent is the admonition God gives you. God is ever Hearer, Seer." {An`nisa`/58}. Moreover, it is a collective responsibility as indicated by the Hadith of the Prophet (PBUH) who said: "All of you are guardians and are responsible for your subjects. The ruler is a guardian of his subjects, the man is a guardian of his family, the woman is a guardian and is responsible for her husband's house and his offspring; and so all of you are guardians and are responsible for your subjects." {Agreed upon}.

The first guardian is the ruler and those in charge of  running people`s livelihoods and affairs. It is their duty to act as deputies of the people in fulfilling the injunctions of Allah through the proper management of resources, realizing justice of opportunity and distribution, cutting down expenses, fighting corruption, adherence to preserving the principles of Sharia in the national economy, and allowing the people to take an actual part in that process. This task can be realized through MPs who believe in a true mission that celebrates the values of Islam and observes the interests of the people. They should also monitor the financial performance of the executive authority in order to help end tax evasion and make the tax payer enjoy the satisfaction of supporting his nation and country.

Moreover, the wealthy shoulder a similar responsibility towards public funds and tax because they are key for the development of the economy. Therefore, it is impermissible that a member of this class abstains from paying taxes because others don`t; rather, he should adhere to the injunctions of Allah, Who Says (What means): "O you who believe, fear God and be with those who are truthful." {At-Tawbah/119}.

The Iftaa` Board recommends promulgating a law pertaining to giving Zakah and collecting that which is due to the poor from the rich, because it has a great effect in achieving social solidarity. And Allah Knows Best.


Chairman of the Iftaa` Board, The Mufti General of the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan, His Grace Sheikh Abdulkareem Al-Khasawneh.

Vice-Chairman of the Iftaa` Board, Prof. Ahmad Hilayel

Prof. Hayel Abdulhafeez/ Member

Dr. Yahia Al-Botoosh/ Member

His Eminence, Sheikh Sa`ied Hijjawi/ Member

Prof. Mohammad Al-Qudat/ Member

Prof. Abduln`nassir Abu Al Bass`al/ Member

Dr. Mohammad Al-Khalayleh/ Member

Dr. Mohammad Al-Zou`bi/ Member

Dr.Wasif Al-Bak`kri/ Member

Dr. Mohammad Khair Al-eesa/Member

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Summarized Fatawaa

My maternal aunt`s son is living abroad; however, both our families have recited Al-Fatehah declaring our engagement. We have been engaged for three months, but the marriage contract wasn`t concluded because he couldn`t come to Jordan since my mother and brothers are abroad. Is it allowed that he sees my picture without Hijab knowing that the marriage contract will be concluded at the first opportunity?

All perfect praise be to Allah the Lord of the Worlds. May His peace and blessings be upon Prophet Mohammad and upon all his family and companions.
Betrothal is a promise to marry, so your betrothed is a stranger to you and isn`t permitted to look at you even through a picture. Once your marriage contract is concluded, you become husband and wife and he can look at you as much as he wants. Moreover, he may deputize his father to carry out the procedures of the marriage on his behalf. And Allah The Almighty Knows Best.

Is it permissible for the woman who is observing Iddah* after her husband`s death to sit with her daughter`s suitor, although their marriage contract hasn`t been concluded yet?

All perfect praise be to Allah the Lord of The Worlds. May His blessings and peace be upon our Prophet Mohammad and upon all his family and companions.
A suitor who hasn`t concluded the marriage contract isn`t a Mahram*, so he must be treated as such. And Allah the Almighty knows best.
* The period a woman must observe after the death of her husband or after a divorce, during which she may not marry another man.
* In Islam, a mahram is a member of one's family with whom marriage would be considered haram, concealment purdah, or concealment of the body with hijab, is not obligatory; and with whom, if he is an adult male, she may be escorted during a journey, although an escort may not be obligatory.

Is it permissible for the mother to give her children from the Zakah(obligatory charity) of her money?

It is permissible for the mother to give her children from the Zakah of her money if they are Zakah-eligible recipients, and she isn`t obliged to provide for them.

Is it permissible to single out Fridays, Saturdays, and Sundays to make up for missed fasting without fasting a day before ,or after each ?

Yes, it is permissible to make up for missed fasting during the aforesaid days, and it is also valid to offer non-obligatory and vowed fasting as well. However, fasting a day before or after each isn`t obligatory.