Resolutions of Iftaa' Board

Resolutions of Iftaa' Board

Date Added : 02-11-2015


Resolution No.(101) by the Board of Iftaa`, Research and Islamic Studies

 “Sharia Ruling on Lying in Sale”

Date: 4/4/1427 AH, corresponding to 3/5/2006 AD







Is it permissible for a trader to say that a certain item is made in Italy-for example-while it is either made in China, or made in China and shipped to Italy, or most of its parts are made in Italy and some of them are made in China?


The Board is of the view that a Muslim-whether a trader, a salesman, or whatever his work may be-must be truthful in all that he says and always tell the truth about each item that he promotes. It is forbidden for him to resort to lying and cheating under any circumstances. Prophet Mohammad (PBUH) said: “Truth leads to piety and piety leads to Jannah(Paradise). A man persists in speaking the truth till he is recorded with Allah as a truthful man. Falsehood leads to transgression and transgression leads to the Hell-fire. A man continues to speak falsehood till he is recorded with Allah as a great liar.“ {Bukhari & Muslim}. He also said: “He who deceives isn`t of us.“ {Muslim}. And he (PBUH) said: “A Muslim is the brother of a Muslim, so it is impermissible for a Muslim to sell a deficient item to his brother without mentioning that to him “ {Bukhari}. And Allah Knows Best.





Chairman of Iftaa' Board, Cheif Justice/ Dr. Ahmad Hilayel                 

Dr. Yousif Ghaytan





Dr.Abdel Majeed Al-Salaheen

Sheikh Saeed Al-Hajawy

Dr. Wasif Al-Bakri                Sheikh Abdl-Kareem  Al-Khasawneh   

Sheikh Naeem Mojahid 

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Summarized Fatawaa

Should one fulfill his vow of donating an animal to the poor and needy with one sheep although he had repeated the vow several times?

Each vow has to be fulfilled, and repeating the words of the same vow for confirmation renders its fulfillment obligatory as one vow. As for multiple vows, they have to be fulfilled as well.

What is the ruling on shaving the head of the newborn?

It is desirable to shave the head of the newborn on the seventh day from delivery, and the weight of his/her hair is given in gold , or silver as charity.

Is it permissible for a pious Muslim woman to stay with her husband who had quit praying out of laziness?

Quitting prayer is one of the major grave sins that come after disbelieving in Allah, but the wife of such a person isn`t considered divorced, rather, she should exert all her efforts in order to bring him back to the way of Islam. However, if his sin is likely to lure her from the way of Islam, then she had better separate from him by lawful means such as Mokhal`aa(When a wife pays a compensation for her husband in return for divorcing her). Moreover, if she exercises patience, and remains steadfast on her faith, then there is no harm in doing that.

Are all the children of a suckling woman considered brothers to the strange child whom their mother had breastfed, or just to the one who had suckled with him?

All the children of the woman who had suckled a strange child are considered his/her brothers and sisters.