Resolutions of Iftaa' Board

Resolutions of Iftaa' Board

Date Added : 02-11-2015


Resolution No.(51): “Ruling on Supporting the National Centre for Diabetes with Zakat  Funds“

Date: 9/5/1422 AH corresponding to 2/7/2001 AD.


The Board received the following question:

What is the ruling of Sharia on paying Zakat funds to the National centre for Diabetes?

Answer: All success is due to Allah.

The Board is of the view that it is permissible to pay Zakat funds in favor of treating poor Muslim patients afflicted with this disease since Zakat disbursement channels are restricted to the eight categories mentioned in the Quran: “Alms are for the poor and the needy, and those employed to administer the (funds); for those whose hearts have been (recently) reconciled (to Truth); for those in bondage and in debt; in the cause of God; and for the wayfarer: (thus is it) ordained by God, and God is full of knowledge and wisdom.” {At-Tawbah/60}. And Allah Knows Best.


Iftaa` Board
Chairman of the Iftaa` Board, Chief Justice, Izz Al-Deen Al-Tamimi

  Dr. Mohammad Abu Yahia

 Dr. Abdulsalam Al-Abbadi

   Dr. Yousef Gheezaan

Dr. Wasif Al-Bakhri

          Dr. Abdulaziz Al-Khayaat

   Sheikh Saeid Hijjawi

        Sheikh Na`eim Mojahid

                 Sheikh Mahmoud Shwayyaat

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Summarized Fatawaa

What should a woman, who has given several births during different months of Ramadhaan, and didn`t make up for them in addition to forgetting the exact number of the days and years in which she had missed fasting, do ?

She should make up the days of Ramadhaan that she missed after estimating their number, and paying the ransom(in food) due on each day that she had delayed. She should also repay the ransom according to the number of years if she was able to fast before that time, but didn`t.

What is the ruling on swearing on the Holy Quran and breaking that oath?

It is impermissible to swear on the Holy Quran in vain, and it is also impermissible to subject it to such an act since breaking the oath after swearing on the Quran entails an expiation.

What should a woman who delayed making up for missed fast, due to menstruation, till the start of the next Ramadhaan ?

Whosoever broke fasting in Ramadhaan, and was able to make up for it, but didn`t until the next Ramadhaan started, is obliged to make up for the missed days, and to pay the ransom as well. However, if he/she wasn`t able to before next Ramadhaan due to an excuse, then he/she should only make up for the missed days .

What is the ruling on smoking?

All Perfect Praise is due to Allah, The Lord of The Worlds

Smoking is forbidden (Haram) since it is harmful to one`s health as confirmed by trustful physicians, and Islam has forbidden taking anything that causes harm. The Prophet (PBUH) said: "There should be neither harm nor reciprocated harm." [Ibn Majah and Ahmad]. And Allah Knows Best.