Some Fatwas of Islamic Banks

*  Ruling on Financing Customs Duty through Murabaha

*  Ruling on "Earnest Payment" in Murabaha and Finance Lease

*  Imposing Commission on Current Account if Balance Drops below the Specified Amount

*  Ruling on Letters of Guarantee and Taking a Commission for them

*  Ruling on Prizes for Savings Accounts in Islamic Banks

*  Observations on Contracts of Murabaha to the Purchase Orderer

*  Islamic Banks must Adhere to the Conditions of Murabaha Contract of Sale

*  Islamic Bank Must Own Commodity before Selling it to Client

*  Binding Client by "Promise to Purchase" in Murabaha Contract doesn`t Mean that Sale Transaction Takes Place before Commodity is Transferred into the Possession of the Client

*  Ruling on Building Decorations for Stores through Murabaha

*  Murabaha Contract of Sale is Permissible in Sharia

*  Employees of Islamic Banks must Commit to Islamic Application of Contracts

*  It is Permissible to Stipulate Covering Debt Payments in the Event of Debtor`s Failure to Pay on Time

*  Commodity Murabaha in the Jordan Islamic Bank

*  Ruling on the Finance Lease of the Jordan Islamic Bank

*  Ruling on the Murabaha Contracts of the Jordan Dubai Islamic Bank

*  Ruling on the Closed-End Lease of the Arab Islamic Bank after Last Amendment Made in Ramadan 1431H

*  Is the Auto Murabaha of the Arab Islamic Bank-where Fees of Ownership Transfer are Paid Once-Valid?

*  The Sharia Evidence on Linking Rent with a Changing Margin in the Closed-End Lease of the Arab Islamic Bank

*  Ruling on Personal Financing Used by some Islamic Banks

*  Wants to Raise the Price of the Property to Get the Cash

*  Some Types of Fraud People Use to Trick Islamic Banks

*  Islamic Ruling on Insurance of Debt

*  Ruling on Interest-Free Loans Granted by the Islamic Bank to Teachers

*  Islamic Ruling on Investing in the Islamic International Arab Bank

*  Ruling on Opening Savings Accounts at Islamic Banks

*  Ruling on the Profits Distributed by Islamic Banks

*  How to Divide a Joint Bank Account among the Heirs?

*  Ruling on the Joint Investment Account Offered by Al-Rajhi Bank

*  Resolution No.(49): "Ruling on Financing the "Diminishing Partnership" Offered by the Central Bank to its Employees"

*  Resolution No.(53) : “ Ruling on Awards Offered by the Islamic Bank in Accordance with a Particular Mechanism “

*  Resolution No.(167): "Ruling on the Uncovered Credit Card at the Islamic Bank"

*  Resolution No.(171): "Ruling on Organized Tawaroq Sale Carried out by some Islamic Banks"

































Summarized Fatawaa

What is the ruling on a person who broke the fast of one day in Ramadhaan because of hardship ?

He/she should make up for that day.

Is the Saum(Fasting) of someone who ate and drank forgetfully while offering fasting of oath expiation invalidated ?

Whosoever eats, or drinks forgetfully is exempted by Allah; therefore, he/she shouldn`t break their fast whether it was obligatory, non-obligatory, or expiatory.

After our father had passed away, my brother and I stayed with our mother for twenty years and served her to the best of our effort. However, she asked our other brothers (3) to support her financially but they refused to pay her anything. As a result, she gave her share of the inheritance to me and my brother. What is the ruling of Sharia on this?

All perfect praise be to Allah the Lord of the Worlds. May His peace and blessings be upon our Prophet Mohammad and upon all his family and companions.
It is recommended to give one`s children, males and females, equally. However, your mother is allowed to give one of them more than the others because he/she is needy or more dutiful to her than the others. And Allah The Almighty Knows Best.  

Is Zakah due on a woman`s saved gold?

Zakah(obligatory charity) is due on saved gold if it reached Nissab(minimum amount liable for Zakah), and a lunar year had lapsed over owning it. The due Zakah is (2.5%).