Throughout history, the strategic planning of an organization has been proven to be a necessity imposed by reality and experiments. Owing to the importance of strategic planning and its role in the formation and advancement of any organization, the General Iftaa` Department(GID) has decided to draw up a five-year strategic plan (2017-2021). Key elements and axes were drawn up in order to produce this plan in a carefully examined scientific manner. This is in order to advance the outputs of the Department and set goals amenable to execution, follow up and assessment.


This strategic plan is a guideline for the staff members to absorb strategic thinking as working methodology to be able to achieve the Department`s vision, message and objectives.


Summarized Fatawaa

What is the ruling on attending relatives` parties held in public halls, or hotels since if we don`t, we will be subjected to their admonition?

If such parties involve mixing between men and women, or forbidden acts such as listening to songs with sinful lyrics, then attending them is forbidden from the view point of Sharia since people`s admonition is nothing compared to Allah`s, The Almighty`s, wrath.

Is it permissible for a Christian man to embrace Islam in secret and is it permissible for a Muslim woman to marry him?

Praise be to Allah the Lord of the Worlds. May His peace and blessings be upon our Prophet Mohammad and upon all his family and companions.
His embracing Islam in secret is between him and Allah; however, it isn`t permissible for a Muslim woman to marry him except after he declares his Islam and it is ascertained that he is sincere about that. And Allah the Almighty knows best.

What is the ruling on reciting verses of the Holy Quran on water, then drinking it?

It is permissible to recite Quran on water, then drink it as a kind of treatment since the Quran heals. Allah, The Almighty, says:” We send down (stage by stage) in the Qur’an that which is a healing and a mercy to those who believe: to the unjust it causes nothing but loss after loss.”{Al-Isra`/82}.

I am a disabled woman who has vaginal discharges and can`t control her urine. Therefore, I combine prayers. Is that permissible?

All perfect praise be to Allah, The Lord of The Worlds, and may His peace and blessings be upon our Prophet Muhammad and upon all his family and companions. According to the Hanbali doctrine, it is permissible for the sick to combine prayers. In your case(Asker), it is better that you delay the noon prayer until a few minutes before the afternoon prayer in order to minimize the time span between the two and perform each alone. In addition, you can do the same with sunset and evening prayers. Finally, we ask Allah to bless you with recovery. And Allah knows best.