Is it true that if a ritually impure, or a menstruating woman visits one who is in confinement, harm will be inflicted on the latter, or her baby?
This is completely wrong and unfounded piece of information.
What is the ruling on having brotherly ties between a strange man and a strange woman, and is the former considered a Mahram (unmarriageable) to the latter?
Such a relation between a strange man and a strange woman is forbidden in Islam because it involves forbidding what Allah has allowed by marriage, and allowing what Allah has forbidden such as looking and the like. Such a relation doesn`t render any act lawful between them, thus they are forbidden to look at each other, have a Khulwah (seclusion), and travel together.
Is it permissible for a woman to sit with her brothers-in-law?
It is impermissible for a woman to sit with her brothers-in-law, and it is also impermissible for a person to have a Khulwa (seclusion) with his sister-in-law.
I have mixed (halal and haram) money, and I want to purify it. My father is poor, and I want him, my mother, and my mother-in-law to perform Hajj, along with myself and my wife, as they need care due to their old age. Is it permissible to use this money for Hajj, or what should I do with it? Please advise.
If you knew the exact amount of unlawful money, then you should give as a charity, and if didn't then try to figure out the closest amount in order to give it as a charity.
As for performing Hajj, perform it by using your lawful money. May Allah Bless you for being dutiful to your parents and your mother in law and for your attempt to serve them, And Allah Knows Best.