If the fasting of nine years has accumulated upon me, I wish to make them up by dividing them over several years, as it is difficult to fast them all in one year due to their large number. Consequently, expiation will be due on me. Is it permissible to pay the expiation after completing all the make-up fasts, even if it takes years?
If the fasting was broken due to a valid legal excuse, it is permissible to divide the make-up fasts over several years based on one’s ability. However, if a person passes away before completing the make-up fasts, the heirs must fast on their behalf or feed one needy person for each missed day.
If the fasting was broken without a valid excuse, one must hasten to make it up. Should the person die before completing the make-up fasts, the heirs must either fast or feed the needy on their behalf. As for the expiation, it is calculated after completing all the make-up fasts. And Allah Knows Best.
In life insurance with the Potash Company, enrollment is mandatory, and employees have the right to receive a cash amount from the insurance for surgeries and illnesses while employed by the company. Is the amount given by the insurance in this case permissible (Halal) or prohibited (Haram)?
Since the insurance is compulsory, then what the insurance company pays in return for medical treatment is similar to donation, and I pray to Allah The Almighty that this is lawful even if this service is deducted from your salary in return of it, so in this manner you take back some of the amount you paid in form of above treatment. And Allah Knows Best.
Is it permissible to make up for missed fast after the beginning of the second half of the month of Sha`ban (the month before Ramadan)?
Yes, it is permissible, but one who had missed fasts should hasten to make up for them. As for the Hadith mentioned in this regard, the prohibition is for offering absolute voluntary fasting. And Allah Knows Best.
If someone bought a car from an interest-based bank and then sold it to another person, does the second person bear any sin if they use the car's price to pay the installments owed to the bank?
When the buyer purchased the car, it became their property, and the price became their responsibility. The bank acts as the seller's agent for receiving the payment. Therefore, there is no sin on the second buyer, God willing, as long as the bank does not impose an increase in the amount if a payment is delayed. And Allah The Almighty Knows Best.