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It is Recommended to Fast on the Day of Arafah even if it Falls on a Saturday

What is the ruling on fasting on a Saturday alone if it coincides with the Day of Arafah?

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Islamic Ruling on Raising the Voice in Dhikr after the Prayer

Is group Dhikr after the prayer allowed, and what is the ruling on saying "Tahleel"(Saying Lā ilāha illallāh, waḥdahu lā sharīka lahu, lahul-mulku wa lahul-ḥamdu, yuḥyī wa yumītu, wa huwa `alā kulli shay’in qadīr) ten times after the prayer, and is there a valid evidence for it?

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The Difference between the Poor (Al-Faqir) and the Needy (Al-Miskeen)

What is the definition of both the poor (Al-Faqir) and the needy (Al-Miskeen) and what is the difference between them?

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It is Permissible to Favor a Child with a Gift for a Valid Sharia Reason

Is it allowed for my father to give me a sum of money to pay off debts that I have incurred to avoid being sued by creditors, and would my father be sinful for not giving the same amount to my other siblings in the interest fairness among children

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It is Forbidden to Translate Content Related to or Promoting Prohibited Matters

I work as a translator for a certain website, and sometimes I translate restaurant and hotel offers that include alcoholic beverages or resorts for homosexuals. What is the Islamic ruling on my work?

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It is Obligatory for the Borrower to Repay the Loan in the Same Form it was Borrowed

A husband took a certain amount of gold from his wife, and when it was time to repay, the wife demanded the gold itself, not its monetary value. Is she entitled to do so?

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Islamic Ruling on Delegating the Collection and Distribution of Zakat to Charitable Organizations

We are a non-profit charity organization that aims to enhance quality and justice in terms of receiving healthcare services, improving treatment conditions, and promoting the rights of the underprivileged patients. Is it permissible to donate Zakat to the patient fund of the charity so that we can achieve our goal of supporting patients? It is important to note that the funds will not be used for any administrative expenses of the charity whatsoever.

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Islamic Ruling on Using Reclaimed Water in Mosques

What is the ruling of Sharia on using reclaimed water in mosques for washing courtyards, cleaning, and performing ablution? This is knowing that this water is reclaimed at treatment plants through chemical treatments and the physical separation of impurities, and its source is wastewater used for domestic purposes?

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Islamic Ruling on Organ Donation

We are considering taking an initiative that aims to raise awareness about organ donation. What is the ruling of Sharia regarding someone bequeathing the donation of all his/her organs after death?

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Islamic Ruling on Holding a Second Jumu`ah (Friday Prayer) in the Same Location

The microphone system stopped working during the Jumu'ah prayer and there were a large number of worshippers outside the mosque, leading one of them to deliver the Khutbah (sermon) and perform the prayer with those outside the mosque, what is the ruling on the Khutbah and the prayer?

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The Ruling on Qaza` and its Description

What is the Islamic ruling on Qaza', noting that I am a barber and most customers request it?

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The Creditor has the Option to Recover the Debt from the Guarantor or the Heirs

My father borrowed a sum of money from my mother, and I told her: If my father does not repay you, I will pay on his behalf. After years, my father passed away, and now my mother demands repayment of the amount. Should I pay off the debt on behalf of my father, or are the heirs responsible for repaying it, knowing that the estate has been divided among all the heirs?

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Tawassul through the Prophets and Righteous Individuals is Permissible

What is the ruling of Sharia on seeking intercession (Tawassul) from the prophets and righteous individuals and is it considered Shirk and a major sin?

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Eating from the Open Buffet should Comply with the Instructions

Three people and an eight-year-old entered an open buffet. Upon entry, they paid for three. What is the ruling regarding the child eating with his father? Note that the restaurant requires individuals aged 5 years and above to pay 10 dinars.

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Islamic Ruling on Drug Trafficking and Money Earned from it

What is the ruling of Sharia on drug trafficking, the money earned from it, and the promoting of this dangerous plague to individuals and society?

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