Resolutions of Iftaa' Board

Resolutions of Iftaa' Board

Date Added : 05-09-2018

Resolution No. (263) by the Board of Iftaa', Research and Islamic Studies:

"Ruling on Installing Solar Energy at the Charity Medical Center from theTreatment's Earnings"

Date: ( 18/Thu Al-Hija/1439 AD) ,corresponding to (30/8/2018 AH)

On its eleventh session held on the above date, the Board reviewed the letter sent from his Excellency, the General Manager of the Zakah Fund, and it read as follow: 

As Your Grace knows, Wihdat Zakah Committee answers to the Zakah's Fund. Since this committee runs its own medical center, it desires to replace the electrical energy with solar energy against an overall cost of around (15682 JD). Moreover, this sum was taken from the medical center`s earnings (Not from the Zakah fund) and allocated for the aforementioned purpose. In addition, the medical center offers its services to all citizens at minimum costs and serves the poor through field workshops supervised by the Zakah committee. Could you inform us of the Sharia ruling as regards financing the aforementioned project from the medical center`s earnings.
After prolonged deliberations, the Board decided the following:
In principle, there is no harm in using the earnings of the medical center to finance the above project; especially since they are generated by the center, itself and this will save many future expenses and will, hopefully,be reflected on the quality of the offered services. However, this project has to be executed according to the regulations and instructions of the committees supervised by the Zakah Fund. And Allah Knows Best. 

Chairperson of Iftaa` Board,

Grand Mufti of Jordan,

Dr. Mohammad Al-Khalayleh

Sheikh Sa`eid Al-Hijjawi, Member       

Prof. Abdullah Al-Fawaaz/ Member

Dr. Muhammad Khair Al-Issa, Member

Dr. Majid Al-Darawsheh, Member

Prof. Adam Noah/ Member

Judge. Khaled Al-Wrikat

Dr. Ahmad Al-Hasanat, Member

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Summarized Fatawaa

Is committing Zina (Adultery and extramarital sex) without the intention of getting pregnant or deflowered considered full Zina?

All perfect praise be to Allah the Lord of the Worlds. May Allah`s peace and blessings be upon our Prophet Mohammad and upon all his family and companions.
The Messenger of Allah (PBUH) says: "The eyes commit fornication, the hands, the feet, and the private parts." [Musnad Ahmad, P.3912]. Sheikh Shu`aib `Arn`oot graded this Hadith as sound. What you are asking about is far graver. Generally speaking,  sincere repentance erases sins, good deeds erase bad deeds, and fearing Allah stops one from committing this heinous act. In addition, the devil is man`s worst enemy and whoever surrenders themselves to the wolf will be eaten. And Allah The Almighty Knows Best.

What is the best charity to offer on behalf of the deceased? Is it giving food, reciting Quran, giving money or supplicating? What is the best charity to offer on behalf of dead father and dead husband? What is the best continuous charity to offer on behalf of the deceased?

Praise be to Allah the Lord of the Worlds. The deceased benefits from every righteous deed offered on his/her behalf, be that continuous charity, reciting Quran or a pious son praying for him/her. However, the best righteous deed is performing Haj and Omrah on their behalf especially if he/she hadn`t performed that ritual for it remains a debt on them. The evidence on this is that Ibn 'Abbas (Allah be pleased with them) reported: A man came to the Messenger of Allah (PBUH) and said: "Messenger of Allah, my mother has died (in a state) that she had to observe fasts of a month (of Ramadan). Should I complete (them) on her behalf? Thereupon he (the Holy Prophet) said: Would you not pay the debt if your mother had died (without paying it)? He said: Yes. He (the Holy Prophet) said: The debt of Allah deserves more that it should be paid."{Related by Muslim}. And Allah the Almighty knows best.

Is it permissible for a woman to apply Kuhul(Halal eyeliner) and go out wearing it?

Kuhul is part of a woman`s adornment, and it is forbidden for her to show that to anyone other than a husband , or a Mahram(Unmarriageable kin).

Is Zakah due on a woman`s saved gold?

Zakah(obligatory charity) is due on saved gold if it reached Nissab(minimum amount liable for Zakah), and a lunar year had lapsed over owning it. The due Zakah is (2.5%).