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Our Services 
1-Send your question
2-Issuance of Divorce Fatwas 
3-WhatsApp and telegram
4-Fatwas delivered by the electronic website
5-Fatwas issued over the phone
6-Family reform and settling disputes
8-Complaints and suggestions
9-Deliverance of Fatwas in written form
10-Personal interviews
11-Zakat calculation
12-Guide of Fatwa issuance requests


Summarized Fatawaa

What is the ruling on combining prayers at the Musala (Place for prayer) of a shopping center because of heavy rain, knowing that some people come from outside that center?

Praise be to Allah, the Lord of the Worlds.

If there is hardship in going back to that Musala at the time of Asr or Isha` prayers, then it is permissible to combine prayers in twos only (Duhr with Asr and Maghrib with Isha`). Kindly consider calling us. And Allah Knows Best.

Is it permissible for one to masturbate in order not to commit fornication?

This is called committing the milder of the two evils such as eating a carcass in fear of death, and this happens when committing fornication is very likely to occur.

Is it disliked to clip one`s nails at night, and is it permissible to burn them afterwards?

It is desirable to bury the cut hair and the clipped nails. As for burning clipped nails, there is no evidence forbidding that , but it is better to suffice with the aforesaid ruling-burying cut hair and clipped nails-as it is based on a well known evidence.

I work for a company whose manager refuses to allow employees to leave during work hours. Do I incur sin if I secretly went out to join the congregation at the Masjid? Is doing so considered a breach of trust?

Praise be to the Lord of the Worlds.

We recommend that you pray at work to encourage your colleagues to follow suit, because whoever guides to good has the like of the reward of the person who actually does it. And Allah The Almighty Knows Best.