Are minors obliged to fast?
A male under the age of puberty isn`t required to fast, but his guardian should order him to fast if he was able to endure the hardship until being used for fasting in general. And Allah Knows Best.
Is it disliked to clip one`s nails at night, and to burn them afterwards?
It is recommended to bury hair and nails that have been removed and to conceal them in the ground. As for burning nails, we have not found any specific prohibition against it, but adhering to what is supported by evidence—burying the nails—is preferable. And Allah Knows Best.
Should nail polish be removed before making ablution?
Yes, it should be removed because it prevents water from reaching the nails.
Is it permissible for the children of a deceased father to settle his debt from the Zakah (obligatory charity) money due on them?
It is impermissible to use the Zakah of one`s money for settling the debts of the deceased. However, children should settle the debts of their deceased parents out of filial piety. And Allah Knows Best.