Is Zakah due on the orphan`s money?
Yes, Zakah is due on the money of the orphan.
Does offering Udhiyah (Offering a Sacrificial animal at Aid Al-Adha) avails from offering Aqiqa?
Offering an Udhiyah doesn't avail a person from offering Aqiqa because each of which is a different act of worship. And Allah Knows Best.
I work for a company whose manager refuses to allow employees to leave during work hours. Do I incur sin if I secretly went out to join the congregation at the Masjid? Is doing so considered a breach of trust?
Praise be to the Lord of the Worlds.
We recommend that you pray at work to encourage your colleagues to follow suit, because whoever guides to good has the like of the reward of the person who actually does it. And Allah The Almighty Knows Best.
Is it permissible for the guardian, or the father of the child to hit the latter in order to teach him/her good manners?
It is permissible for the guardian to hit his/her child for teaching them good manners once they become ten years old provided that it is done mildly, harmlessly and without intimidation. Actually, such punishment is to be employed gradually i.e. after: asking, warning, and scolding. As for the teacher, he isn`t allowed to hit the student unless the latter`s father approves of it, and it is done according to necessity without intimidation, or harm.