Is it permissible to offer one Rak`ah in Witr prayer?
The minimum of Witr (An odd number prayer performed between Isha`a and Fajr) prayer is one Rak`ah, and the maximum is eleven, but the minimum of its complete form is three, and it is permissible to offer one only.
What`s the ruling on using the following materials in manufacturing cosmetics: olive oil, Vaseline, talc powder, glycerin, honey, almond oil, pine oil, galingale and marjoram?
All perfect praise be to Allah, The Lord of The Worlds, and may His peace and blessings be upon our Prophet Mohammad and upon all his family and companions. None of the above materials is forbidden, and it`s lawful to use them in manufacturing products that are beneficial to people. This is because, in principle, all things are lawful so long as there is no evidence in Sharia indicating otherwise. And Allah Knows Best.
If the fasting of nine years has accumulated upon me, I wish to make them up by dividing them over several years, as it is difficult to fast them all in one year due to their large number. Consequently, expiation will be due on me. Is it permissible to pay the expiation after completing all the make-up fasts, even if it takes years?
If the fasting was broken due to a valid legal excuse, it is permissible to divide the make-up fasts over several years based on one’s ability. However, if a person passes away before completing the make-up fasts, the heirs must fast on their behalf or feed one needy person for each missed day.
If the fasting was broken without a valid excuse, one must hasten to make it up. Should the person die before completing the make-up fasts, the heirs must either fast or feed the needy on their behalf. As for the expiation, it is calculated after completing all the make-up fasts. And Allah Knows Best.
I became ill while fasting and had to take an intramuscular injection twice on two consecutive days during Ramadan. I continued my fast as usual, as I was told that intramuscular injections do not break the fast. Please advise me so that I can know the correct ruling.
Subcutaneous and intramuscular therapeutic injections are not considered as invalidators of fasting because they do not enter the stomach through an open passage. However, intravenous injections containing nutritional fluids do invalidate the fast, as they are akin to food and drink in purpose. Therefore, your fast is valid. And Allah Knows Best.