Does offering Udhiyah (Offering a Sacrificial animal at Aid Al-Adha) avails from offering Aqiqa?
Offering an Udhiyah doesn't avail a person from offering Aqiqa because each of which is a different act of worship. And Allah Knows Best.
I am a woman, and my natural menstrual cycle lasts six days. In the evening, I perform the testimony (Tashahhud) for myself, and then I engage in sexual intercourse with my husband. After intercourse, I experience bleeding, either immediately or the next day. Is my intercourse with my husband during this time forbidden?
It seems that your menstrual cycle lasts seven days, not six. Therefore, you should wait until the bleeding stops, then perform ghusl and pray. And Allah Knows Best.
How long is the` Iddah (waiting period) of a divorced woman?
The waiting period (iddah) of a divorced woman who is pregnant is until she gives birth. If she is of menstruating age, her waiting period is three menstrual cycles. If she does not menstruate, her waiting period is three months. And Allah Knows Best.
I`m infatuated with a man, is it permissible for me to make supplication that he falls in love with me and becomes my husband?
Islam has honored women by being proposed to by men, and not the other way around, so it is inappropriate for a woman to propose to a man since one who hastens in asking for a thing prematurely shall be punished by deprivation. In fact, such a phenomenon is the result of unlawful mixing between the two sexes.