What is the ruling when the monthly period when exceeding (15) days?
The maximum duration of menstruation is 15 days. If it exceeds this, it is considered irregular bleeding (Istihada). In this case, one must perform ghusl (Ritual bath) after menstruation, pray, and make wudu for each prayer after its time begins. She should return to her previous menstrual habit regarding duration and timing. For example, if her period used to be from the 20th to the 27th of each month, this is considered her menstruation period. Anything before or after this is Istihada, during which she only leaves prayer and fasting for the habitual menstrual days, then performs ghusl and resumes praying.
Is buying shares from the Arab Bank permissible?
Buying and selling shares owned by usrious companies is impermissble. And Allah Knows Best.
Is it a condition that one should offer two sacrifices for a male newborn?
It is desirable to offer two sheep for a male newborn, and one for a female newborn. Offering one sheep for the male newborn is also permissible as it observes the Prophet`s Sunnah in this regard.
I prayed while I was in the hospital after a bladder surgery, and my urine was connected to me and could not be disconnected that day. I prayed after performing tayammum with my finger because I was unable to stand. What is the ruling?
After Allah grants you complete healing, make up the prayers you performed with your finger to the best of your ability, at times that suit you. And Allah Knows Best.