What is the ruling on the cessation of blood after (40) days from delivery, but later continued sporadically during two days of Ramadan?
Once postpartum bleeding (Nifas) ceases, and the woman is certain that it won`t reoccur, then she becomes ritually pure and so she is free to make Ghusl (purificatory bath), pray, and fast. If the bleeding reoccurs before fifteen days from its cessation, and before the end of (60) days after delivery, then the ruling on postpartum bleeding is effective, and her fasting and prayer are null and void, thus she must make up the fasting that she missed and not the prayer during those particular days.
Is it permissible to make up for missed fast after the beginning of the second half of the month of Sha`ban (the month before Ramadan)?
Yes, it is permissible, but one who had missed fasts should hasten to make up for them. As for the Hadith mentioned in this regard, the prohibition is for offering absolute voluntary fasting. And Allah Knows Best.
Should Al-Basmalah (i.e. saying Bismillaaahi Ar-Rahmaani Ar-Raheemi) be recited after Takbeerat Al-Ihram (saying Allahuakbar) which marks the beginning of prayer?
All perfect praise be to Allah,The Lord of The Worlds A praying person is obliged to recite Al-Basmalah at the beginning of Chapter Al-Faatihah, and in every Rak`ah (unit of prayer) because it is a verse of it. And Allah Knows Best.
Is there a solution to put an end to thinking of worries during prayer?
Firstly, make ablution after the time for prayer begins and busy yourself with remembering Allah, The Exalted, before the iqaamah (start of prayer).In order to become humbly submissive during prayer, you must perform prayer in congregation. After the prayer ends, stay in your place and read the post-prayer remembrances (Adhkaar) and make supplication to Allah, The Exalted.