All Fatawaas

The Difference between the Poor (Al-Faqir) and the Needy (Al-Miskeen)

What is the definition of both the poor (Al-Faqir) and the needy (Al-Miskeen) and what is the difference between them?
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Islamic Ruling on Delegating the Collection and Distribution of Zakat to Charitable Organizations

We are a non-profit charity organization that aims to enhance quality and justice in terms of receiving healthcare services, improving treatment conditions, and promoting the rights of the underprivileged patients. Is it permissible to donate Zakat to the patient fund of the charity so that we can achieve our goal of supporting patients? It is important to note that the funds will not be used for any administrative expenses of the charity whatsoever.

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Conditions for Giving Zakat to a Poor Student

What is the ruling of Islamic Law on the possibility of companies, institutions, and businessmen donating to special funds that support needy students and considering these donations as Zakat due on their wealth? The aim is to support this group, help them meet their educational requirements, and encourage the local community and the private sector to take care of them.
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It isn`t Permissible for the Giver of Zakat to Take from it for himself

I have a grocery store, and I share it with my brother and sister. We have accumulated a sum of money designated for emergencies because we don't have health insurance. The date of the Zakat due on that sum is approaching, and our salaries are not sufficient for our expenses. Is it permissible for us to take from the Zakat due on that sum?

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Transferring Zakat to another Country is Permissible if there is a General and Urgent Need

Is it permissible to pay Zakat to the people of Gaza and delegate charities to deliver it to them?

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The Difference between the Poor and the Needy from an Islamic Perspective

Which type of the poor is eligible to receive Zakah (Obligatory charity)?

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Islamic Ruling on Considering Kafalah Money (Guarantee) as Part of Zakat

I am a guarantor for an insolvent person who is subject to judicial enforcement. Is it permissible to consider what has been paid and what will be paid on his behalf as part of Zakat, knowing that, as his guarantor, I am legally obligated to pay on his behalf?

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Zakat on Wealth is Obligatory, even if its Owner is Unaware of it

A person passed away 15 years ago, and financial amounts were discovered in banks, as well as stocks and profits. Is Zakat obligatory on this wealth, and how is it calculated?

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Islamic Ruling on Considering "Niqut" (What is given as Gifts) Part of one`s Zakat

Can I give my needy friend my zakat money as a gift for her childbirth?

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How to Calculate Zakah on Gas Cylinders

I own a warehouse for selling household gas at wholesale prices. Is Zakat obligatory on the empty gas cylinders or only on the liquid gas contents inside the cylinders?

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Donations are Disbursed According to the Condition Set by the Donor

A charitable organization provides educational, housing, healthcare, social, and recreational services to children aged between 6 and 18 years old who are orphaned, come from broken families, or lack familial support. Is it permissible for donors to sponsor the aforementioned categories, other than orphans, by allocating a monthly financial amount for each child?

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Islamic Ruling on Giving Zakat al-Fitr as Meat

Is it permissible to give Zakat al-Fitr as meat (beef or chicken)?  If permissible, what is the specific amount?

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Ruling on Maintaining Schools and Hospitals Using Zakah Money

Is it permissible to use Zakah money to cover the expenses of maintaining schools, hospitals, and universities?

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Ruling on (Dinar) Initiative for Collecting Zakat and Sadaqat

What is the ruling of Sharia on collecting Zakat (Obligatory charity) and Sadaqat (Voluntary charities) in favor of the (Dinar) initiative to enable needy students to meet their educational requirements?
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How to Calculate Zakah on Trading Merchandise

I`m a tradesman and don`t know how to calculate the Zakah due on trading items. Hawl (Zakah year) has lapsed only over some of the goods; some have been damaged and I might return them to the owner. Sometimes, I pay for goods in advance and, sometimes, by installments. I also have money in my bank account, in addition to cash and uncashed checks. Also, people owe me money; some of which are repayable and some are unrepayable. I`m also indebted and have taxes and expenses to pay. I have vehicles, such as cars, trucks and the like, real estate; some are for trade and some aren`t, and some I rent to generate income. This is in addition to my own private money, car and house and other items not set for trade. My wife has also adornment gold, in addition to gold for saving. What is the ruling of Sharia on all of this?

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