What should one who made an intention, at night, to make up for a missed fasting day, but broke his fast on the next day?
One who started making up a missed fasting day, then broke his/her fast without a legitimate reason is considered sinful, and is only obliged to make up for the missed fasting days. And Allah Knows Best.
Is it permissible for a Muslim woman to wear trousers at home?
Wearing trousers at home isn't prohibited so long as non-Mahrams do not see her. And Allah Knows Best.
Is it permissible for one to masturbate in order not to commit fornication?
This is called committing the milder of the two evils such as eating a carcass in fear of death, and this happens when committing fornication is very likely to occur.
Should a person who doesn’t offer Tasbeehb (saying Subhaana Rabbiya Al-‘Atheem during Rukoo`, and saying Subhaana Rabbiya Al-A‘laa during Sujood) during Rukoo` and Sujood perform As-Sahw Sujood (prostration of forgetfulness)?
He/ she doesn`t have to perform Sujood As-Sahw, whether he/she didn`t offer Tasbeeh during Rukoo` and Sujood either intentionally ,or unintentionally, provided that the attentiveness of the heart wasn`t undermined since it is a pillar in both.