I joined a savings club and was scheduled to receive the payout first. My friend asked to take my place in line, so I requested 50 dinars in exchange for letting her have my turn. What is the ruling on this?
هذا لا يجوز؛ لأنه أخذ مال بدون مقابلٍ له قيمة شرعاً. والله تعالى أعلم.
This is impermissible, as it involves taking money without providing something of value in return according to Islamic law. And Allah Almighty knows best.
Is it permissible for one to give the Zakah (obligatory charity) to his indebted brother?
It is permissible for one to give the Zakah to his brother if he was indebted, or poor.
What is the ruling on a person who broke the fast a day in Ramadan due to hardship?
He/she is obliged to make up that day.
Is it permissible for a husband to sell his wife`s jewelry if he was in a hard up?
A woman`s jewelry and dowry are her own property, and it is forbidden for the husband to take either without obtaining her approval. However, it is desirable for the wife to support her husband through considering her jewelry a sort of documented debt on him.