How many Rak`ahs (unit of prayer) are offered in Witr prayer?
All perfect praise be to Allah, The Lord of The Worlds Witr (an odd number prayer performed between Isha`a and Fajr) is offered with a minimum of one Rak`ah, and a maximum of eleven, but offering three Rak`ahs is the minimum of its complete form. And Allah Knows Best.
Does fasting on behalf of a deceased person permissible?
Fasting on belhaf of a deceased person is permissible, since the Prophet (PBUH) said: "Whoever dies while he still has some fasts to make up (of the days of Ramadan), then his heir (any of them) should fast on his behalf." [Agreed upon]. The previous answer is for making up missed obligatory fasts on behalf of the deceased. But if the fasting on behlaf of the deceased was for performing a voluntary acts of devotion such as permissible as adopted by the majority of Muslim scholars and based on the above hadith as they stated "Every good dead intended to be on behalf of the deceased its reward will reach the latter." And Allah Knows Best.
Is the woman who do breastfeeding permitted to break the fast during Ramadan?
It is permissible for pregnant and breastfeeding women to break their fast during Ramadan if they fear harm to themselves or their child. However, they must make up for the missed fasts. If the fast is broken out of concern for the fetus or the baby, expiation (Fidya) is also required along with making up the missed fasts. The expiation involves feeding one needy person with an amount equivalent to a Mudd of food (approximately 600 grams of wheat or rice) for each day of missed fasts. If the fast is broken out of concern for the woman's own health, only making up missed fasts is obligatory. And Allah Knows Best.
Should a pregnant woman who broke fast because of pregnancy make it up, and is a ransom due on her?
The pregnant and the suckling, if they fear for their health, may break their fast and make up for it, and no ransom is due on them. However, if they broke fast in fear for the fetus and the baby, then they are obliged to make up for it, and pay the ransom which is feeding a needy person for each of the missed fasting days. And Allah Knows Best.