Is it permissible for a person who is in a state of Janabah (Ritual impurity) to clip his nails, or to cut his hair?
It is permissible for those in a state of Janabah and menstruation to clip their nails and to shave whatever hair that is permissible to be shaved. And Allah Knows Best.
What is the amount of Zakah (obligatory charity) due on articles of merchandise?
The amount of Zakah due on articles of merchandise is (2.5%) of each article`s value after a whole lunar year had lapsed.
I am an employee at Social Security, and I have heard that working with them is forbidden (haram) because they impose an interest rate of 2% on companies and individuals who are late in making payments. Is my job with them haram or questionable?
Please clarify the type of work. If it does not involve the usury (Riba) mentioned, we hope that there is no issue with it, as most of their funds are acquired in a lawful (Complies with the teachings of Sharia) manner. And Allah, The Almighty, Knows Best.
Is it permissible for a man to marry up to four wives (polygamy in Islam) for pleasure although he can`t afford that?
It is desirable for the man to have one wife if there was no need for him to have more, if he can't afford marriage forthcoming expenses.