What should I do in order to wake up for Fajr (dawn) prayer?
All perfect praise be to Allah, The Lord of The Worlds What should I do in order to wake up for Fajr (dawn) prayer? Answer: Some of the acts that aid in offering Fajr prayer are: 1- Going to bed early. 2- Willingness to wake up. 3- Reciting Al-Korsi verse from Chapter Al-Baqarah. 4- Taking refuge in Allah from the cursed devil, and making ablution immediatley after being awake, but it is preferable to ask someone to help in this regard to perform the Fajr prayer. And Allah Knows Best.
Has Islam made it incumbent on us to give our children particular names?
No, it hasn`t, but it is desirable that we give them good names.
What is the ruling on not fulfilling a vow?
A vow is a commitment towards Allah, The Almighty, and so, it should be observed as much as possible, and it is impermissible to take it lightly. Allah, The Exalted, Says –in commending the believers (What means): "(Because) they perform the vow and fear a day whereof the evil is wide-spreading." [Al-Insan/7].
Is the one who doesn`t offer prostration of recitation during Quranic recital considered sinful?
Prostration of Quranic recital is a Sunnah due on whosoever recites a verse that contains a prostration. It is also a Sunnah for the reader and the listener. However, none of them is considered sinful for not offering it, but they deprive themselves from a great reward. It is obligatory to offer the prostration of Quranic recital in congregational prayer following the lead of the Imam.