الموقع الرئيسي


A Royal Decree Appoints Hasanat as Grand Mufti
Author : The General Iftaa` Department
Date Added : 06-11-2023

A Royal Decree Appoints Hasanat as Grand Mufti


The General Iftaa Department is pleased to extend its warmest congratulations and best wishes to Dr. Ahmad Ibrahim Al-Hasanat on the issuance of the royal decree appointing him as the Grand Mufti of the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan. We pray to Almighty Allah to grant him success and guidance in his new role.

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Summarized Fatawaa

What is the ruling on the chatting between a young man and his girlfriend?

Private chatting between the two sexes entails religious violations, and leads to prohibited attachment.

What should one who made an intention, at night, to make up for a missed fasting day, but broke his fast on the next day?

One who started making up a missed fasting day, then broke his/her fast without a legitimate reason is considered sinful, and is only obliged to make up for the missed fasting days.

What should a woman who is in a state of menstruation, or confinement do if she became ritually pure during the day of Ramadhaan ?

If she became pure during the day time of Ramadhaan, it is desirable for her to fast the rest of that day, and to make up for it along with the days that she had missed due to menstruation.

Is it permissible for a teacher to have one of the school meals originally allocated to students considering that there is plenty of them and they may spoil?

All perfect praise be to Allah the Lord of the Worlds. May His peace and blessings be upon our Prophet Mohammad and upon all his family and companions.
The Ministry of Education has the final say in this regard because it isn`t allowed to take from public funds save with the permission of the body in charge of spending from it. In fact, we have sent a letter to the Ministry concerning this issue and we are waiting for an answer. However, to prevent spoilage of the meals, they can be sold and the price kept in favor of the students or distributed amongst the students themselves. And Allah The Almighty Knows Best.