Is Zakah due on the orphan`s money?
Yes, Zakah is due on the money of the orphan.
Is vomit among the nullifiers of Wudu (ablution)?
Vomit does not nullify Wudu, but it is a Najaasah (impurity) that requires rinsing the mouth and washing whatever became dirty by it since the prayer becomes valid only after the removal of Najaasah. And Allah Knows Best.
What is the ruling on praying behind an undesirable Imam?
It is permissible to pray behind an Imam who is undesirable for committing religious violations, and it is disliked for such an Imam to lead the prayer. Still, If he was undesirable for a personal, or a worldly matter, then such argument doesn’t hold water. And Allah Knows Best.
Is it permissible to make ablution without answering the call of nature after waking up?
Washing front and back openings (Istinjaa`) is not a condition for the validity of ablution because it is done to remove Najaasah (impurity), thus if there is no Najaasah, there is no need for that, and then it is permissible to make ablution without answering the call of nature. However, prayer is invalidated if there is Najaasah on the anus ,or the front opening, so it (Najaasah) must be removed for the prayer to become valid, and not the ablution.