19 Rabi al-Thani 1446  ,  22 October 2024

The General Iftaa` ... Date Added: 07-10-2024

The Higher Objectives of ... Date Added: 02-10-2024

Revering the Prophet ... Date Added: 01-10-2024

The Importance of ... Date Added: 30-09-2024

Prostration of Gratitude ... Date Added: 15-10-2024

Ramadan isn`t Like any ... Date Added: 10-10-2024

The Rights Related to the ... Date Added: 09-10-2024

Giving the Road its Due Date Added: 08-10-2024

Fatawaa - Search Sections - Call to Islam & Sincerity in Advice

Acceptance of Medical and Incidental Excuses Depends on the Instructions

Does a school principal incur sin for accepting documented medical and incidental excuses submitted by a teacher?

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It is Obligatory to Avoid any Word, Action, or Belief that Contradicts the Veneration of the Quran

What is the ruling of Sharia on the person who said, while in a state of extreme anger, that he doesn't believe in the Quran? Does this make him exit the fold of Islam given the fact that it he was involved in a heated argument?

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How to Get rid of the Books Containing Verses and Hadiths
During school exams, a wildly spread habit is taking place lately; while disposing old books and notebooks that contain verses of Quran and Hadiths (Prophetic narrations), some students tear their books into pieces ending up at streets against their school in addition to the uncivilized view resulted from this action. What is the ruling on such habits? And what is the method/manner to deal with this phenomena?  
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Islamic Ruling on Preparing Research Papers and Articles Using Artificial Intelligence

What is the ruling on students using the technology of (chatgpt)  to prepare scientific research papers? It is worth noting that this technology allows students to write the question, and it then generates a complete research paper on the topic. In this technology, it is not possible to know whether the research has been plagiarized or not, as it generates the content without using Google platform. It is worth noting that some students put effort into thinking and analyzing to write their research, while others use the (chatgpt) technology to create their papers. Does this make the diligent student equal to others?

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Rules for Entering Turkish Baths

I own a Turkish bath where the morning period is for women and the evening period is for men. It's worth mentioning that during the women's period, all employees are females. What is the Islamic ruling on this?

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Islamic Ruling on Reporting Corruption Cases Citizen Witnesses or is Subjected to

What is the ruling of Sharia on reporting corruption cases citizen witnesses or is subjected to? Moreover, what is the duty of the Integrity and Anti-Corruption Commission towards citizens reporting such cases?

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Islamic Ruling on Taking Pictures of a Dying Person

What is the ruling of Sharia on taking pictures of a dying person?

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Hate Speech from the Islamic Perspective

What is hate speech? What is the ruling of Sharia on it? What solutions does Sharia propose to counter it?

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Ruling of Sharia on Insulting Others

What is the ruling of Sharia on insulting others?

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Lawful Methods of Criticism Guaranteed by Islam

What are the lawful methods of criticism guaranteed by Islam?

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Limits of Brother`s Guardianship over his Sister

My father passed away and I`m currently living with my mother. However, my brother wants to have total control over me and demands absolute obedience under the excuse that Sharia mandates such thing. This is in addition to his abusing me physically and verbally. Am I obliged to obey him?

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It is Unlawful to Circulate Frightening Videos, even Jokingly

Some videos are circulating on social media where, at the beginning of a video, a certain topic is suggested for discussion to attract one`s attention. However, at the end of the video something frightening appears suddenly. Although this is done as a joke, it is really frightening, and wuld such video be seen by a pregnant woman, someone with heart condition or an old man it would have serious consequences: death, stroke or harm. Could your Grace issue a fatwa prohibiting circulating such videos?

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Funeral Prayer and Condolences in Light of Precautionary Measures

In light of the latest precautionary measures adopted by the government, how should funeral prayer be performed? What is the ruling of Sharia on receiving mourners at funeral homes, attending burials, and having weddings?

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Installing Production Lines and Machines of Different Products

We are a company specialized in installing production lines and machines that manufacture Pepsi and Cola cans, but sometimes they are used to produce cans of beer and other alcoholic drinks. Not long ago, we installed such machines, excluding the printing system, which determines the nature of the drink inside these cans, to a company that wanted to raise its production capacity. At present, we have nothing to do with that printing system. However, we will be asked in the future to install a printing system along with the production line. What is the ruling of Sharia on this knowing that that factory uses these lines and machines for producing cans of alcoholic drinks and other?

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: It is Imperative that Social Media Users be Honest and Trustful

What is the ruling of Sharia on speaking ill of chaste believing women via social media and inciting others to do so?

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