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Fatawaa - Search Sections - Rulings on the New-Born

Ruling on Naming a Child "Al-Ahad"

Is "Al-Ahad" a name that only belongs to Allah the Almighty? And what is the ruling on naming a child with this name according to the Shafie school of thought?

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Names of Tazkiah aren`t Entirely Reprehensible

Is it permissible to give a child one of the names of Allah (Al-Asma` Al-Husna)? What is the ruling of Sharia on the names of Tazkiah {An Arabic term alluding to "tazkiyah al-nafs" meaning "sanctification" or "purification" of the self} and pessimism? Did the Prophet (Peace and blessings be upon him) change these names? Is the name "Mu`min" one of them?

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Correcting Mistake in DNA and Rulings Caused by it

What is the ruling of Sharia if a mistake was made in DNA, or when incorrect data were provided and led to issuing a court order proving lineage, but later on the court discovered otherwise ?

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Ruling on Proving or Disproving Paternity through DNA Testing

What is the ruling of Sharia on proving or disproving paternity through the DNA testing? Also, what is the ruling on proving paternity of an illegitimate child or child of unknown parentage?

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Guardian has Right to Name Newborn

Who has the right to choose a name for a newborn?

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Ruling on Choosing a non-Arabic Name for a Child

Does Islam forbid choosing non-Arabic names for children?

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It isn`t Permissible to Name a Child "Abed" Only

What is the ruling of Sharia on changing the name "Abed" into another one?

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Is it permissible for me to name my newborn baby boy “Al-Moustafa” ? ? Read More
What does the name ”Mai`es” mean? ? Read More
Is it permissible for me to name my first son “Kassim” ? ? Read More
Has Islam made it incumbent on us to give our children particular names? ? Read More
Is it permissible for me to name my daughter “Leen”? ? Read More
Gifted Daughter to Sister and Attributed her to Unreal Father

Recently, I have come to know that a certain woman gave birth to a girl and gifted that girl to her sister because the latter couldn`t beget children of her own. The girl was registered under the name of her aunt`s husband, and she is currently living with them as her real parents although she knows that they aren`t. Should I expose this to people knowing that the involved parties are against this for fear of scandal?

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Ruling of Sharia on Naming a Child "Aysar"

A man has named his child "Aysar." Is this permissible? If not, should he change it or keep it?

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It is Desirable to Call Athaan in the Ear of the Newborn

A dispute took place at the Masjid, where I pray, regarding the validity of calling Athaan (call to prayer) in the ear of the newborn. Some said that it is a wrong practice which people are accustomed to; however, I know that it is among the acts of Sunnah. Could you clarify the ruling of Sharia on this with providing the evidence?

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