My father passed away, and he had life insurance with "Alico" for an amount of 12,500 dinars. He had paid premiums totaling 2,000 dinars. The insurance company paid us the insured amount. Should we take it, or is it considered forbidden (haram) money? And what should we do with it if it is forbidden?
You may take the amount your father paid to the company. The remaining amount is not yours. However, if you must take it, then accept it and donate it to the poor. And Allah Knows Best.
Is Zakah (obligatory charity) due on leased property, and how is it calculated?
Zakah isn`t due on the leased property itself, but on the saved income from that property if it reached Nissab (minimum amount liable for Zakah), and a whole lunar year had lapsed over saving it.
What is the ruling on praying behind an undesirable Imam?
It is permissible to pray behind an Imam who is undesirable for committing religious violations, and it is disliked for such an Imam to lead the prayer. Still, If he was undesirable for a personal, or a worldly matter, then such argument doesn’t hold water. And Allah Knows Best.
What is the ruling on the yellow discharge that comes from a woman during pregnancy?
These discharges are not menstrual blood, but they are impure like urine and break the Wudu (ablution). If the discharge is frequent, its ruling is similar to that of urinary incontinence. The woman should perform wudu after the time of each prayer, pray the obligatory prayer, and any additional prayers she wishes, read the Quran, and take precautions against impurity to the best of her ability. Using a special pad can prevent the impurity from spreading. And Allah Knows Best.