My brother is settling a debt on my behalf and in return he takes 30% interest as an additional amount of the whole sum. Is this lawful or not?
This additional amount is considered prohibited interest (Riba) according to Islamic law, and it is not permissible to take it. And Allah Knows Best.
Is it permissible for a Muslim woman to leave her house adorned and without wearing her proper Islamic attire?
A Muslim woman isn't permitted to leave her house adorned and without wearing proper Islamic attire. And Allah Knows Best.
A woman used contraceptive pills, and her menses exceeded (15) days, is it permissible for her to fast?
The maximum of menstrual blood is (15) days, but if it exceeded that due to a medication, or the like, then it is Istihadah (bleeding outside the monthly period), and in this case she should perform Ghusl (ritual bath), pray, and fast. Moreover, she is obliged to make up for the missed fasting days which exceeded her regular menses. And Allah Knows Best.
Is it permissible for my brother, whom I had suckled, to conclude a marriage contract between his daughter and my son?
Such marriage is impermissible since one`s nephew in this situation is considered an uncle to one`s daughter; consequently, he is the brother of her father by suckling. In such cases, the people in question should go to court to prove the suckling.