Is Zakah due on the orphan`s money?
Yes, Zakah is due on the money of the orphan.
Is my son who was breastfed one filling time by my aunt considered a brother to her children?
The baby who was suckled five sporadic times by a woman is considered a son/daughter of hers.
Is performing Umrah an obligation for who is capable. Is he accountable for not performing it in this case?
Umrah is an obligation once in a lifetime for every Muslim. When physical and financial ability is present, it is preferable to perform Umrah, as well as Hajj. If one can afford to perform Umrah but not Hajj, then they should begin with Umrah, especially since Hajj nowadays is not accessible to everyone who wishes to perform it. In contrast, Umrah is more open and easier to undertake. And Allah knows best.
Is it permissible for one to masturbate in order not to commit fornication?
This is called committing the milder of the two evils such as eating a carcass in fear of death, and this happens when committing fornication is very likely to occur.