Is supplicating in Qunoot, at times of affliction, during obligatory and voluntary prayer a Sunnah, and should it be done before Rukoo` (bowing), or after it?
At times of affliction, it is a Sunnah that Muslims supplicate in Qunoot after the final Rukoo` of each obligatory, or voluntary prayer as individuals, or in congregation.
I am a wholesale gold trader. My clients are retail gold shop owners. I sell them gold jewelry and ornaments on credit, and they repay me in weekly installments over a period of two months or more. The payments are made in cash for the labor charges and for the gold they owe me. In return, they may give me either cash or used gold.
It is not permissible to sell gold or silver on an installment basis or with a deferred payment; rather, immediate exchange is required. The Messenger of Allah (PBUH) said: "Gold for gold, silver for silver, wheat for wheat, barley for barley, dates for dates, and salt for salt, like for like, hand to hand. Whoever gives more or asks for more has engaged in usury; the giver and receiver are the same in this regard." (Muslim). Additionally, the weight of the gold must be equal when exchanging new for used; otherwise, it involves usury. The solution is to buy the used gold with cash, then sell the new gold for cash as well. However, payment must be made at the time of the transaction in both cases. Alternatively, one could take the used gold with the intention of refining it, reshape it into a new form, or repair it, then take a fee for the workmanship or repair. And Allah Knows Best
How should a person who is afflicted with continued major ritual impurity (incontinence of urine, bleeding outside the monthly period) perform ablution?
Such a person should make ablution for every prayer after its due time and after removing impurities from their body and outfit, and should place a fresh diaper whenever needed so as for the impurity not to spread out. They should also perform prayer immediately even if incontinence of urine continued, and should repeat the aforementioned for every obligatory prayer, then perform optional prayer as much as they want.
After I was ran over, I had cracked ribs, concussion, a tension pneumothorax, and retired as a result. What is the amount of the Diya?
All praise is due to Allah the Lord of the worlds. May the blessings of Allah be upon our Master and Prophet Muḥammad and his pure progeny.
What you have mentioned requires a detailed medical report since the benefit of every organ that you have lost deserves a full Diya (In Islamic law, Diya is the financial compensation paid to the victim or heirs of a victim in the cases of accidental murder, bodily harm or property damage). Moreover, the decrease in the benefit of some organs has to be assessed by expert doctors and allocated a percentage from the Diya accordingly. Therefore, we advise you to refer the matter to the courts or reconcile with the driver and forgive him so that Allah may forgive you. And Allah The Almighty Knows Best.