Are all the children of a suckling woman considered brothers to the strange child whom their mother had breastfed, or just to the one who had suckled with him?
All the children of the woman who had suckled a strange child are considered his/her brothers and sisters.
Is it permissible to pray with a heater (stove) in front of me?
There is no harm in praying with a heater in front of you, as long as you do not intend to venerate the fire or imitate those who worship it. And Allah Knows Best.
Is it permissible to distribute the raw meat of the vowed animal sacrifice amongst the poor/to offer it to them in cooked form?
It is impermissible for the vow-maker to eat from the vowed animal sacrifice, rather, he/she should distribute it as he/she had intended upon making the vow, but if the vow was a general one, without any specification then, it is better to give it as raw meat.
A woman used contraceptive pills, and her menses exceeded (15) days, is it permissible for her to fast?
The maximum of menstrual blood is (15) days, but if it exceeded that due to a medication, or the like, then it is Istihadah (bleeding outside the monthly period), and in this case she should perform Ghusl (ritual bath), pray, and fast. Moreover, she is obliged to make up for the missed fasting days which exceeded her regular menses. And Allah Knows Best.