الموقع الرئيسي


A Royal Decree Appoints Hasanat as Grand Mufti
Author : The General Iftaa` Department
Date Added : 06-11-2023

A Royal Decree Appoints Hasanat as Grand Mufti


The General Iftaa Department is pleased to extend its warmest congratulations and best wishes to Dr. Ahmad Ibrahim Al-Hasanat on the issuance of the royal decree appointing him as the Grand Mufti of the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan. We pray to Almighty Allah to grant him success and guidance in his new role.

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Summarized Fatawaa

What is the ruling on shaving the head of the newborn?

It is desirable to shave the head of the newborn on the seventh day from delivery, and the weight of his/her hair is given in gold , or silver as charity.

What is the ruling on giving Zakah(obligatory charity)to one`s relatives?

It is impermissible to pay Zakah to one`s origins( parents and grandparents) because providing for them is an obligation on their branches (sons and daughters )if they were poor, but it is permissible to give some of the Zakah money to relatives whose provision isn`t due on the giver of the Zakah.

What should a woman who delayed making up for missed fast, due to menstruation, till the start of the next Ramadhaan ?

Whosoever broke fasting in Ramadhaan, and was able to make up for it, but didn`t until the next Ramadhaan started, is obliged to make up for the missed days, and to pay the ransom as well. However, if he/she wasn`t able to before next Ramadhaan due to an excuse, then he/she should only make up for the missed days .

Is it permissible for the person who wants to travel from the United Arab Emirates to Jordan during the day in Ramadan to break his fast before leaving his country; knowing that he had embarked on journey half an hour after dawn?

Praise be to Allah the Lord of the Worlds.

The person who made the intention to embark on journey after dawn must observe fast for that day, because it became an obligation on him before engaging on journey. However, if he experienced unbearable hardship while on travel, then he is permitted to break his fast, but he must make up for the missed day. And Allah The Almighty Knows Best.