I want to buy a house by having a loan from a bank?
If taking a loan from usrious banks it is impermissible; on the other hand, if this took place through Islamic ones then it is permissible to get the loan, since Allah the Most Exalted Said (What means): "And Allah has made buying lawful and forbidden usury (riba)." And Allah Knows Best.
Is Zakah due on a woman`s deposited gold?
Zakah (obligatory charity) is due on deposited gold if it reached Nissab (minimum amount liable for Zakah), and a lunar year had lapsed over owning it. The due Zakah is (2.5%). And Allah Knows Best.
We collect funds from mosques and other sources, saying: "For the poor, the needy, widows, orphans, and those who do not beg insistently." After paying the stipends of the families registered with the Zakat Committee, an amount exceeding 6,000 dinars remained. Is it permissible for me to save it for upcoming months when I may not be able to collect the stipends?
These funds are received by the committee as representatives of the zakat payers to deliver zakat to those entitled to it. It is well-known that delaying zakat while being able to pay it is not permissible. Imam Al-Nawawi (may Allah have mercy on him) said: "Zakat must be paid immediately if one is able to do so, by the presence of wealth and the eligible categories." [Al-Minhaj] Therefore, the committee must distribute the zakat to the eligible recipients without installment payments or using it to purchase material goods for them, as the committee does not have authority over the poor to allocate it in this way. And Allah Knows Best.
What is permissible for the husband to do as far as having sex with his wife is concerned?
The couple are free to enjoy each other sexually provided that they don`t do it during menses. It is also forbidden for the husband to enjoy the wife from her anus.