Is it permissible for a woman to swear a false oath by the Holy Quran to please her distrustful husband?
It is forbidden for a person to do so since this is considered a false oath (Yamaan Ghamoos) which dips (Yaghmos) its taker in Hellfire if he/she doesn`t seek repentance, and he/she has to expiate for that oath. You should avoid any doubtful acts so that your husband`s chest remains clear from the evil suggestions of the devil.
What are the conditions of the Aqeeqah?
The animals that are acceptable to be slaughtered for 'Aqeeqah are the same which are acceptable to be slaughtered for the sacrifice of 'Eed in terms of their age and lack of defects. The sheep should be one year old, and its teeth should have fallen off. As for goats and cows, they should have finished two years of age and entered into the third. The Aqeeqah should be free of any defects as regards meat, or price value.
Does the wife have the right to stop her husband from visiting some of his relatives because their meetings involve religious violations?
Couples should advise one another in kindness, and the wife can stop her husband from committing sin by resorting to a kind and tactful approach.
What should a person who was favored from Allah with a newborn, but couldn`t afford an Aqeeqah, do?
Aqeeqah (the sheep slaughtered on the seventh day from the child`s birth) is a desirable Sunnah for the financially able since Allah, The Exalted, charges not a soul beyond its capacity. Therefore, if the father couldn`t afford the Aqeeqah before the end of his wife`s confinement, then it isn`t due on him, and if he was able to afford it later on, then it is permissible, but if he didn`t until the child reached puberty, the latter can offer the Aqeeqah himself.