Resolutions of Iftaa' Board

Resolutions of Iftaa' Board

Date Added : 20-03-2017

Resolution No.(234)(2/2017) by the Board of Iftaa`, Research and Islamic Studies:

"Deducting a Percentage from the Orphans` Allowance to Cover Healthcare Expenses"

Date: (7/Jumada Al-Akhira/1438), corresponding to (6/3/2017)

During the second session held on the above date, the Board reviewed the question sent from the Secretary-General of the Islamic Charity Center Society, Mr. Al-Mohaisin and it reads as follows: 
The Islamic Charity Center Society deducts (5%) from the monthly allowance of the orphans and the poor families under its guardianship to cover the health services delivered to them by one of its medical centers. Is this permissible? 
Answer: All perfect praise be to Allah, The Lord of The Worlds, and may His peace and blessings be upon our Prophet Mohammad and upon all his family and companions.
After deliberating the above question, the Board decided the following:
If donors have been acquainted with the (ICCS) "Guardianship system" and approved of its terms and conditions; particularly the deduction of the afore percentage then it is permissible for the (ICCS) to do so since the approval of the donor is tantamount to the permission stipulated by Sharia as far as the actions of the authorized (ICCS) are concerned. Moreover, since the above percentage is spent in what is beneficial to the above people, this means that the donations serve the purpose for which they were given in the first place. And Allah Knows Best.

Grand Mufti of Jordan/Dr. Mohammad Al-Khalayleh
Vice-Chairman of Iftaa` Board/Sheikh Abdulkareem Khasawneh
Prof. Abdullah Al-Fawaaz/Member
Sheikh Sa`eid Hijjawee/Member
Dr. Mohammad Khair Al-Esa/Member
Judge Khaled Wuraikat/Member
Dr. Mohammad al-Zou`bi/Member


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Summarized Fatawaa

What does the name ”Mai`es” mean?

“Mai`es” and “Mais`san”: strutting. “Mai`es” : a tree` of high-quality wood, and giving this name to your daughter is permissible.

What is the ruling on having slight discharges of menstrual blood during a day of Ramadhaan, and before Maghrib time ?

A woman who is certain that her menses have started during a day time of Ramadhaan is in a state of menstruation, and her fasting is considered broken at first sight of blood. However, she is rewarded for not breaking fast at the beginning of day time.

Should a minor fulfill his vow?

The vow of a minor is countless because he isn`t required to meet the Sharia rulings at such an age, and it is desirable for him to fulfill that vow once he reaches puberty.

Is the Saum(Fasting) of someone who ate and drank forgetfully while offering fasting of oath expiation invalidated ?

Whosoever eats, or drinks forgetfully is exempted by Allah; therefore, he/she shouldn`t break their fast whether it was obligatory, non-obligatory, or expiatory.